Time Travel

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Achillean and Senn meet the EnderKnight who saved them only to reveal to a female Queen. Senn is now injured and is struggleling to keep up the fight. Ria and Hubris come by to check them and noticed Senn's injury. Amelia reveals a secret poject she had been working on which will bring shock to all.

Luna swooped down and landed in the outskirts of Crown Peak, setting down Achillean and Senn. Achillean turned to Luna and Abbigail as she slid off the Enderdragon's back.

"For a moment I feared the Enderknights would be our enemies. I must thank you for rescuing us. May I know your name sir...?" Achillean's voice trailed off as Abbigail took off her helmet and held it in her hand, surprising Achillean.

"My name is Abbigail, Queen of the End." Abbigail response

"I am glad we have a common enemy, Queen Abbigail." Achillean replied.

They both looked down at Senn.

"Is he alright?" Abbigail questioned. Before Achillean could respond, Hubris and Ria rushed towards them.

"Senn?!" Ria gasped, hurrying to his side and helping him lean upright. She and Hubris notice his wound. Hubris stood between Abbigail and Luna, confused.

"What happened in there?" He asked.

"We can discuss that later. Right now we need to get out of the Kingdoms. The Voltaris have allied with the Nether− an invasion is imminent." Achillean responded grimly.

Senn slowly opened his eyes. Ria smiled with relief, "Are you alright?" Ria asked and Senn nodded weakly. Ria smiled slightly before turning back to Achillean.

"We can rally back at Ataraxia. The city was built as a haven for the Ardoni... it should be safe enough" Ria explain

"Perfect, I just sent one of my Enderknights there with Galleous. After I find my other knights we'll meet you there." Abbigail said.

Ria and Hubris took off and Abbigail helped Senn and Achillean up onto Luna and they flew off.

Back in Ataraxia, the Enderknights and the Knights of Ardonia were assembled. Galleous was with them, and he started to speak.

"Everything you knew about this world is going to change now. Towns and roads will no longer be safe for travel, our enemies will not falter, and many of our friends will not survive. Today, all of us are Knights of Ardonia as we fight the second Great War."

"We'll need to recruit quickly. Find anyone who has skills we can use- even if it means rescuing them from the hands of the enemy." Hubris said.

"I will fly to the Ardoni clans and rally who I can before the Nether has time to spread north." Val told the others.

"If we can get the Magnorites of K'arthen on our side, then you'll see what real strength looks like." Onyx commented.

"I've been itching for a good fight... I'm ready for some fun." Grek said with a grin.

"You can count on the Enderknights to be at your side." Abbigail added.

"I need to get to Felora." Masani cut in. The others turned to her.

"Oh right, you can talk. What do you want with Felora, anyway?" Onyx asked. Masani didn't answer.

"We will fight for Felden, Masani, as we will for all the kingdoms. After we gather enough forces and organize our resistance, we will liberate Ardonia from the Nether. I... once had an ally who may be able to join us. However, I am not sure whether or not he will answer our call." Achillean said slowly. Everyone else glanced at him with confusion, unsure of what he meant.

"Ataraxia was founded as a safe haven for Ardoni, but will now become a refuge for all who seek it. I may not be a fighter... or agree with using the Songs, but I will do what I can to help those who fight for Ardonia. Go, Tidesinger... go summon this ally of yours. The Second Great War has finally begun." Galleous promised.


As Abbigail took Senn and Achillean back to camp he felt a pain in his side. He gripped the wound that he patched up early. It began to bleed through. Senn tried to ignore it, "you ok?" A voice asked and he looked to see Achillean, "Yeah Im fine" Senn said and Achillean noticed the wound, "you sure you will be able to fight?" Achillean asked with concern, "I'm sure. I can do this" Senn said.

Once they were halfway there Achillean looked at Senn who seemed off, "you ok?" Achillean asked, "Yeah like I said I'm fine. I always am. Just a headache" Senn said, "yeah first time using songs has that effect on people" Achillean said with a chuckle before leaving Senn alone with his thoughts.


"I have something I'd like to show all of you" Amelia says then out a small clock, "a clock?" Grek said confused, "It's a clock I designed that allows you to travel through time" Amelia explains, "it still needs a powersource though" Amelia said, "what can be enough to power it?" Hubris asked, "I'm not sure" Amelia said, "um do you guys get the feeling we are being watched?" Amelia asked then a twig snapped, "who's there" Ria shouts, "oh no one" a voice says and Ria gasped when they revealed themselves, "just an old acquaintance" the voice said and it was Ingressus.

"Deathsinger" Ria hissed, "how did you find us" Hubris asked, "I had a heads up" Ingressus said then General Raphael came over, "you should really be more careful" Raphael said with a laugh, "now hand over the device or we will take it by force" Raphael hissed drawing his blade and the KoA drew theirs.

After a berif battle Grek bumped to Amelia and her device activated and started to pull Amelia and Grek towards it, "guys a little help!" Grek called and Ria grabbed him but them began to get pulled herself before Hubris grabbed on, then Grim, then Masani, then Galleous, then Val, then Onyx, , "Well your on your own" Raphael said before leaveing Ingressus who also was getting pulled in himself, "it's too strong" Hubris said then everyone fell in that includes Ingressus and Amelia and the portal closed...

When Abbigail, Achillean, and Senn finally get here the notice no-one was there. And Amelia's broke device on the ground, "what happened here" Achillean asked....

Sorry for late post. I've been busy. Next Tuesday I will be with family in Seattle. So. Won't be posted then. Just thought I'd give the heads up. Thanx a bunch to everyone who has read this far you all are truly amazing 👍

Happy reading 📖📖📖🦦🦦🦦🥹🥹🥹

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