Feeling insecure for me?

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Mrs, are you sure you'll only eat that for breakfast?" In disbelief, Kavya bai stared at the two small tomatoes, one boiled egg, & one-half of avocado on your plate.

"Haha, yes. I need to lose some weight, don't worry about me." You waved off her concern.

"B-but you'll get sick. You've been eating like this for the past three days & you look pale. Are you sure?" "I better go back to my room now before Mr. Nischay wakes up. I'll see you later Kavya bai"

You made an excuse & hurried back towards your room

Closing the door behind you, you stared at your plate of food & your stomach began to rumble. Like a hungry wolf, you gulped down everything in less than a minute. "Ughh... This much food barely tickles my stomach." You sighed as you put down the empty plate on the table.

The image of bubbling hot soup that Kavya bai was cooking on the stove popped up in your mind. "No Y/n! Don't be tempted, you need to lose some weight so that he won't call you a pig anymore."

Enduring the hunger, you lied down on the bed while clutching your stomach. You stayed like that until you heard Nischay's voice outside.

Abruptly, you rose from the bed & opened the door after mustering all your courage. Nischay's head immediately turned towards you as you walked closer to him. His brows knitted in disapproval, this was the first time that he saw you after your second day of marriage.

"Didn't I tell you to not appear in front of me?" He turned away & said sternly while focusing on eating his breakfast.

"I- I'm going to start working tomorrow." That got his attention, he raised his head & looked at you again. "It's about time you stop mooching off me. Just don't do anything that will embarrass me or my family." "I won't. I'll work at-"You began to explain but he raised his hand & cut you off. "I don't want to know. Now go, you're obstructing my view." You had stopped feeling offended by his rudeness so you just silently walked back to your room. "Well at least finally I can get out of this house." You couldn't help but feeling excited for tomorrow.

"Woah, this place is even more beautiful than in the picture." You gaped in awe as you scanned your surroundings. You were lucky to get a job at a gaming studio in a renowned building in Delhi because an employee there suddenly quitted. It was definitely nothing like the small building you worked at in your hometown.

" Miss Y/n? We've been waiting for you, please follow me." The manager gave you a rundown of your job description & showed you briefly around. Diligent as you were, you took notes of everything she said. "That's about it. Your colleague should be here shortly & he can explain in more details about your responsibilities. If you have any questions, just ask him because I won't be here all the time. Now please excuse me, I have something else to attend to. You can make yourself familiar first with the placement of things while waiting for him." With that, she left you alone in the huge space.

You walked through the aisles, looking at the myriads of gaming tablets lining the shelves, & thought to yourself, "Wow, this is heaven." "Ow! Sorry, I didn't see you." You quickly apologized because you suddenly bumped into someone. You looked up & your eyes were met by a pair of curious eyes belonging to a tall & handsome guy, slightly older than you.

"Sorry, I didn't see you too." A smile painted his perfectly shaped lips as he looked down at your name tag.

"Are you my new colleague? Y/n Y/I/n?" "Yes, hello. You must be Mithilesh Patankar."

"I am. Nice to meet you, just call me Mithilesh. I believe manager has showed you around, so please follow me now, I'll let you know what to do in details." He smiled again. "O-ok." Blushing slightly, You didn't expect your colleague to be so good-looking because the name Mithilesh usually belonged to a middle-aged man. His personality was as beautiful as his appearance.

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