Confession Crushed

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You were thinking of how to tell Mithilesh about your marriage to Nischay when you heard a faint knock on your door. 

"Y-yes?" You opened the door & were met by Nischay, who was already looking handsome in pinstriped suits. 

"Get ready. We need to go somewhere. I already told you to be ready at 8:00. Did you forget that?" His face was deadpan. 

"But where?" You asked in confusion. 

"You'll see." He said with a smirk

Both of you left the house.  

The sound of roaring engines filled the silence during your ride to wherever Nischay was taking you. You kept stealing glances at him, but he seemed to not notice & focused his vision on the road ahead. 

"You were confused, weren't you?" He suddenly asked when you were quietly staring at him. 

"Huh? Oh. Uhmm.." You immediately turned your head away while trying to think of a suitable answer.

"Do you want to know why?" He asked flatly. 

"Well... If you feel like telling me then yes, but if you don't, I won't ask about it." 

"I have never eaten my mom's hand food since I was 23 because that was the year when I met my Ex and after she entered my life I lost everything. My mom chose to leave me. And my dad started hating me. And in the end, even that bitch left me. Such a cliché, right?  After that, I never celebrated my birthday Yesterday was the first time I celebrate it in 3 years. Your arrangements were exactly like my mom's." He scoffed. 

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't-I'm sorry." You covered your mouth with your hand in shock. 

"It's alright. You didn't know. She made me lose my belief in marriage, so I didn't plan on getting married, especially at such young age. That was why I was so mad when my dad forced me to marry you. Why do people get married when they'd just betray & hurt each other?" 

Your heart clenched at his words. You felt like you had betrayed him by not telling the truth to Mithilesh.

I need to tell Mithilesh right away about my marriage to Nischay.

"We're here." Nischay said as he turned off the car engine & opened the door. 

Your jaw dropped staring at the luxurious building in front of you & instantly felt self-conscious with your casual outfit.

Your jaw dropped staring at the luxurious building in front of you & instantly felt self-conscious with your casual outfit

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"W-what are we doing here?" You asked him as you followed him into the boutique. 

"To buy you some decent clothes." He said without turning his head. All the store assistants rushed to his side & bowed at him as soon as they saw him walking in. He snapped his fingers & pointed at you with his thumb. A few female assistants immediately approached you & escorted you to the dressing room.

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