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Pete saw red. Vegas had the guts to do this in front of Kinn and while that might be all fun in games for him and his cousin rivalry with Pete's boss, that didn't make it any less dangerous for himself. While that mindset was likely entirely selfish, in this business, it was justified. Nobody could blame someone for being selfish as it just meant you'd live longer than everyone else. And while Pete did enjoy what Vegas had done in the heat of the moment, it was proving to suck more and more as the days passed, reflecting on what he'd done. It was sure to become a problem in the future, no matter how near or far that future was, and Pete wasn't trying to get himself beaten or killed.  Maybe it was best he just moved in from this entirely. There was no way either if them could get away with a relationship, nor was there even the slightest possibility Vegas was emotionally available for a relationship of any kind. Commitment had never been his thing after all.

Brushing past the three men, Pete excused himself and took a step outside of the main house, sitting on the steps of the back exit blowing smoke into the air. Maybe that's how he could get Vegas to back off, if he were to get friendly with someone else. Maybe that would show him Pete wasn't desperate enough to betray Boss Kinn so easily and for what? He'd be damned if he left this life to drink water from a doggy bowl for the rest of eternity. At this point, Pete was almost certain Vegas was the devil himself- A cruel beast of some kind at the very least. How could a man be capable of torturing and killing men so easily? And how could a man be capable of having someone weak at the knees with just a look? How could a man do the things he did to Pete without a blink or shred of hesitation? Not even a psychopath was capable of that... It had to be Satan, Lucifer himself. The perfect beast only God itself was capable of creating. The image of temptation, greed, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, and envy- the seven deadly sins perfectly rolled into one man.

Pete had been raised by his grandmother since his parents passed as a kid. He made merits and got ordained and prayed every night. He had been just a teenager when his grandma passed away and he was left alone, he didn't have a choice back then. The main family had been so gracious as to take him in, feed him, raise him, and train him. In return, Pete had given them everything. His life, his time, his effort and strength. He would give it all until he crumbled and then some, it was the least he could do, but with all these things he'd gone through, did he really deserve to be put through this torture? Sure it wasn't physical pain he was exposed to, but the amount of sleep he'd lost thinking about Vegas, it was turning cruel. Vegas felt like a drug that was killing him, and the only solution was cutting him out entirely. It just couldn't be as simple as that, now was it? It never was. He could run and hide but Vegas would still find him if he wanted to. There wasn't a pit or crevice or inch in the universe he could hide in where Vegas wouldn't find him eventually.

Pete stood up again, letting out a lengthy sigh, putting out his cigarette when he met eyes with that very same devil once again. Being pushed against the concrete wall with a grunt, the fierceness of his eyes quickly turned to panic, his heart dropping and his stomach at his feet. "W-what are you doing?" Vegas gripped the boys wrist hard, so intensely Pete was afraid it would leave a mark. "Not so confident now, huh? Where did all that attitude go? Are you afraid of me, Pete?" That evil smirk made him feel sick, he was enjoying this. Vegas liked knowing he scared Pete. He liked knowing his presence alone made the boy tense up and he loved how he denied it.

"You're mine. Heart, body, and soul. You gave yourself to me and there's no going back" Vegas warned, a slight growl to his already threatening voice. "Don't make me have to punish you, cause I assure you, you won't like it." Hearing this made Pete lightheaded, who did Vegas think he was? More importantly, why was it working? Even so, Pete continued to struggle beneath his grasp, only assuring Vegas of what he'd do the next chance he got. He was going to make Pete scream, be it with pleasure or Pain... Whatever it took, he'd put him back in his place. "You like misbehaving now, eh? I think you forgot just who you're talking to, princess"

"Don't call me that" Pete growled, though his voice was still significantly less confident and assertive than before. "I'll call you anything I want" Vegas snapped back, his hand moving to Pete's neck again, this time both gently caressing it before squeezing it tightly. "You're mine. Remember? I'll do what I please and call you what I want" Vegas's eyes moved to Pete's plump pink lips for a second before that smirk returned to his ever stern face, smashing their lips together roughly. Pete gasped in shock, not having expected the other to kiss him nor for it to be so rough, which Vegas took as an opportunity to snake his tongue inside.

He tasted exactly like the bitter-sweet symphony he'd imagined and some how so much better. As if Vegas's tongue was laced with cyanide, deadly, but ever so sweet. Noticing Pete's shock, Vegas suddenly understood everything. Pete wasn't disobeying for the fun of it, he was upset they hadn't shared a kiss yet despite all the things they'd done. How adorable. How adorable it was the way Pete melted under his touch, his kiss so innocent and sweet as honey. Finally pulling away to catch his breath, Vegas watched as his tongue slipped back out of the other boy's mouth, still connected by a string of saliva from Pete's lower lip. "Let's try that again, huh? Who do you belong to?"

"... You" Pete muttered out, still breathless from having been caught off guard by the sudden kiss. "Good boy" Vegas hummed softly, letting his thumb trace over Pete's lips teasingly. "But don't think you're off the hook just yet. I'm going to make you regret having shown me attitude. We'll see just how loud it is I can make you moan"

The younger boy shuttered again slightly. He was so dangerously smitten for this man, this was going to kill him eventually. One way or another, he'd either lose his mind or lose his head, and he hated the thought of turning out a traitor in the end. Even so, he couldn't stop it if he tried. Vegas was too powerful, too seductive. No one in the planet could say no to him, barely even Kinn, and that was both a blessing and a curse. Every threat Vegas made, every daring glare or intimidating stare, Pete was entirely weak. The thought of Vegas keeping him for himself, doing unimaginable things, hurting him. It was all so exciting in the sickest way. This couldn't be normal, could it? Or maybe it was just the aftermath of falling for a psychopath.

"You will be screaming my name... And I will consume you"

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