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Pete couldn't tell if it was the shuffle of Vegas' feet or the sunlight beaming through the sheer white curtains that had woken him up, but either way, he noticed that when he did, he was in bed alone. Vegas was stood across the room Infront of the mirror front closet, doing up his shirt and gelling his hair. The room still reeked of sex, but also Vegas' favorite cologne he had no doubt put on after he washed up, and though the mix of smells was familiar, it never failed to make him squirm. The other hadn't noticed Pete had woken up yet and that was evident by the look on his face, as stern and cold as ever. The same eyes that looked at him so lustfully were just empty now, blank with a wild storm raging far beyond the limits of what any normal person could see. It was fascinating, seeing how easily that look changed whenever he felt like it. A master of deception and manipulation. He'd tricked a man into not only falling helplessly in love with him, but thinking Vegas loved him too. Pete wasn't foolish enough to think this was love, unlike Tawan. Vegas had said it himself, it was obsession. Whether that was better or worse was to be determined, but for now it would have to make due. It didn't really matter what Pete wanted anyway as he wouldn't dream to confess whatever feelings he had for that man, not even if they got married. Like he said, there was no  way of telling whether or not Vegas was lying, and that was both his greatest strength, and his biggest flaw.

"Where are you off too so early?" Pete spoke up after a while, though his words didn't seem to get Vegas' attention as strongly as he'd hoped. "We need to be headed back soon, I'm due back home, It's Macau's last day of school for the term and I promised to pick him up." Pete wasn't sure why, but he found himself smiling at that ever so slightly. "You seem to love your brother a lot" he hummed, struggling to get out if bed and shuffle towards the closet where he picked out some clothes and a fresh towel. "Someone has to"

The ride back, much like the one to Pete's grandmother's house, was long, but they'd stopped for breakfast and a drink half way before heading straight to Macau's school campus and the chauffeur pulled into the parking space. From then on, it wasn't long before Vegas' younger brother skipped along happily, friends either side of him and a backpack swung loosely around his one shoulder. "Hey bro, how was school?" The sudden change in language had startled Pete a bit, but he straightened up when he noticed the youngest of the two siblings had settled himself into the back seat. "Fine. You brought you're boyfriend?" The boy teased, wiggling his eyebrows but Vegas wasn't amused. "Dumbass" he growled again in the forgien language as the driver pushed the gearshift i to reverse and they were in their way again.

From there it only took another ten or fifteen minutes before they arrived before the enterance of the minor families house and Pete found himself back in the office he had been caught by Vegas in to begin with. Why hadn't he run? Vegas hurt him, used him, destroyed him, and pushed him away, but he still came back around again eventually. Was this a curse or was it destiny? Or maybe it was just his own foolishness. Either way, Vegas had made it clear there would be no escaping for him no matter how bad he wanted it. He had the choice to flee and he didn't, so now he was stuck in hell like Aphrodite to Hades. "I have a present for you, princess" Vegas hummed, watching closely with his arms crossed over his chest as his lover made himself comfortable in his desk chair across the room. "I'll talk to my father first. Be a good boy and stay here, will you?"

Vegas didn't even bother waiting for an answer before he felt, the door clicking shut behind him. What an idiotic move. How was Pete not to go snooping? The drawers, selves, and cabinets were all either filled with sex toys or plain office supplies like file organizers, staplers, pointlessly ornate pens, and USB plugs labeled with seemingly random letters and numbers that were sure to mean something. But in the clutter of inappropriate items or office supplies, there was one thing severely out of place. A dusty ring box. But what was even more peculiar was that when Pete cracked it open, it was empty. At first he thought it was surely some sort of antique or a family heirloom- but then why would it be empty? Then it clicked. Oh, of course. It must have been used to fool Tawan into thinking Vegas loved him; The psycho did propose after all...  But was he still wearing the ring? Hearing the door open, Pete quickly put the ring box back roughly where he found it and crossed his hands behind his back with an innocent smile- one Vegas didn't return.

"You snooped, didn't you?" Vegas said, his voice deeper than before as if he'd been scolded. When he didn't get a response he simply scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets and slowly making his way closer to Pete who grew increasingly more tense with each of his steps. "I thought I asked you to be good" he growled, his fingers tracing the cold lacquered wood of his desk before they reached a locked drawer with a black, velvet box inside. It wasn't very big, but the second it's lid popped open and Pete caught glimpse of what was inside, his face turned cherry red. Inside the box was a leash and collar set which read Vegas' name in big silver letters. "That's hardly a present for me" Pete scoffed, rolling his eyes. This mans libido was higher than the goddamn empire-state building, "Don't act like you don't like it, you slut, you should have seen your face that first time. You could have pornstars running for their money". Pete choked on his breath, his surprise followed by a Brief caighing fit. Now that was certainly an unexpected answer, and one that damn well should have been directed at Vegas. "Who are you calling a slut? You're the one whose always horny" Vegas laughed, shaking his head before grabbing Pete by the waist and pulling him dangerously close. "Hmm.... But whose the one letting me fuck you?" Pete choked again, and while Vegas wasn't exactly wrong, that was definitely uncalled for considering Pete still had a hard time walking from what went down the night before. "Are you always like this?" Pete scoffed, rolling his eyes as he pushed Vegas away, a bright blush still coating his face.

"Only when it comes to you, Pete."

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