7.Giving Control

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In previous chapter i forget to put a warning

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In previous chapter i forget to put a warning.i know there are some people who are very sensitive to those topics.I Apologize for it if anyone felt uncomfortable.
But yet again i have put the warnings in the beginning.so please read it carefully.mental health is very important.so if you feel triggered or any kind of  discomfort please don't read.i repeat mental health is more important.

Enjoy i guess❤️

Trigger warning :violence,child abuse,❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Taehyung is still on the cold concrete floor.the room is engulfed in the darkness.it was eerily silent in there.the only sound is his breathing.chilly wind came from the small window making his body shiver over and over again.he curled himself into a small ball.there is nothing to cover his body from the cold.the room smell like piss.his piss.his throat felt awfully sore and eyes stinging from so much crying.he wanted to scream.but only sound he can make is small whimpers.nothing more.but yet again what the benefit from screaming.he know there is no one to help him.he is not stupid.

The ache in his body is less painful now.but he is hungry.his stomach growls from hunger every passing ten second.he felt desperate.he wants foods.his sense didn't allow him to think anything other than hunger.food.food.food.since when he become this desperate?did he loss his mind already?

No he can't.he can't afford losing his mind.he had to be saint and smart.he tells himself.He always wanted to be strong.controling and make others kneel before him.he wanted to be the one who twisted others life and enjoy the show.ohh..but look where he is now?how pathetic.it made him furious.he couldnt stand being this  helpless.



Why?!why he had to believe that lying witch?.that manipulator.her soothing voice.her sweet words.her sweet smile.it all was nothing but a lie.a sweet lie.how even she able to do that.manipulate him and bring his vulnerable side to the outside world and make him believe that all he need is a perfect family.fuck family.he don't need that.but. but why her eyes looked so sincere at that time.was he hallucinating things then.no it can't be.she was just a good actor.

Rage filled In his eyes.blood boiling.his whole body shook with the anger he is feeling right know.the hands that was hugging his own body balled in to fists."HE WILL FUCKING KILL THAT BI...."

the door of the room crack open his attention snapping up at the Sound.his eyes darted towards the door.

There stood the devil himself.


The man smirk in a sickening way.his eyes sparks with excitement.creepy.he began walking towards the taehyung's trembling body.no.not with the rage.but with the fear.his body is trembling with  fear.his anger was long forgotten.
Chilly feeling began to rise from his body.his mind was overcome with fear and survival.he was frightened.he backed away as man come closer and closer.he hugged his knees closer to his chest.The man is now in front of him staring at with a piercing gaze.

"P-please..."he whimpers out.

"Don't h-hurts m-me..p-please S-sir..I..i"he begs.he felt so small under man's gaze."I..i'll D-do do..W-what.."he hiccups.fucking pathetic.can't even utter a single word properly.

The man's loud laughter echo through the small room."
Oh My My..Will You Look at that.I have to accept kim taehyung you are a fast learner.aren't you?"

Taehyung know.mans wants answer from him."y-yes S-sir".Taehyung can see man was pleased with him.good.

"So Taehyung what was you saying earlier.Y-you'll D-do W-what..?"the man mocks.

Taehyung took a deep breathe.Calming his nervous down."I'll do what you want sir.I'll be your son's bodyguard.a perfect bodyguard"his voice was loud and clear this time.no stuttering.

A Victorious Smirk spread man's face."Good Choice Taehyung Good Choice".man says.

Indeed it was a good choice.guess what? Taehyung already knows that.

The man suddenly crunch down to taehyung level and gripps his hair harshly pulling upward to meet his eyes.the man stare at taehyung eyes sadistically."but if you ever try to escape or betray me you'll be killed and trust me my boy it will  be a slow painful death.i'll skin you alive and I'll remove your hair one by one.and then your nails.and then your teeth..and then these beautiful ocean deep eyes.Oh My God You'll Look Beautiful.A Real masterpiece."the man exclaim excitedly.Taehyung Shivers.


The man's face fell.Almost like he is disappointed."oh how disappointing!I'll Never get to see that masterpiece.because you are never going to betray me taeyung.Isn't That right my boy?"

Taehyung nodded.but it's impossible with his hair being held tightly.

Wrong Move.

A Slap Came Across His Face.his face snapping to the side.but no avail as man's grip on his hair tighten more and more.black dotes dancing around his eyes.it felt like he got deaf for a second.

Stupid.stupid.stupid.he wants answers from you stupid.how can you forget that.forget your goal.you need to please him.

"Right sir.I'll never try to escape or betray you".the man's hand finally loose around his hair.man stood up brushing taehyung Hair to tidy it.satisfaction smile on his face.fucking hypocrite."My Good boy."he finally said.


Taehyung panicked.He don't want to get beaten up again.it hurts.no no no No NO.

"W-why..T-them..Please Not A-again"He Sobs.He is going to get beaten up again.They are going to hit him again.

"Hey Hey Relax My Boy.They are just going to feed you and get you to the mansion.so relax"So Taehyung did.he did relax.

"We are not allowed to come inside"the two men said.

They are currently standing front door in the mansion.taeyung got fed and they helped him to get to the mansion.even though taehyung is fed his body is still weak.his hands and legs are covered with bruises.

He nodded his head understanding manner.the two men let him go gently releasing him from their grasp.

He steady himself even thought it difficult.his body still pains.he is exhausted.mentally and physically.

"Your Training will starts tomorrow at 8.am.be there on time"with that the two men left him there by himself.

He slowly make his way to living room hissing in pain time to time.the whole mansion is silent.just his hard breathing and heart thumbing in his chest.for some reason he felt very uneasy.he wanted to run back to mafia house and never come here.

Did she miss him?Did she worried about him? Of course she must be badly missing him.How can a mother not get worried about his older son when he is being missing for a week.He miss her.her soothing voice.her brown eyes that held soo much kindness and love.He Hope She Would have missed him just like he missed her.

He held into that hope tightly.

They must be sleeping.after all it's night time.he maid his way to stairs.he slowly climb stairs one by one.it hurts.he held into stairs fence tightly.Ahh How much more he had to clim.He Look up and Freeze in place.eyes going wide as his breath hitched.

His Mom.

Okay.I Was going to include our little kookie and Tae moment in this chapter.but i can't focus on same thing for longer period of time.it messes with my head and i get demotivated.So I'll write it as a new chapter.

Enjoy ❤️

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