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Taehyung is Laying on his bed staring at the Ceiling

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Taehyung is Laying on his bed staring at the Ceiling.there was a heaviness in his chest that he can't describe.he was trying to sleep for hours now.but no avail.everytime he closed  his eyes the man's agonizing face will appear in front of him.he can hear the man's pleading voice loud in his head.may be finally he is lossing  it.

It wasn't easy to face the truth.Accept the fact that he is a killer now.that he killed someone without a second thought.what terrified him the most is that he enjoyed it.he enjoyed the man's horrified expression.he enjoyed the man'pleading.he enjoyed the way that how the man's body covered with the blood.Hell.He Loved It.

He realized that he is slowly becoming a heatless monster who enjoyed others fear and pain.yes he was aware about this part of his mind.but that doesn't mean he is ready to accept that part completely yet.

He Wondered if that day he didn't gave that pink candy to that little devil woud it be different now?then mr.jeon wouldn't have noticed him.then there is no way mr.jeon adopt him as his child only to make him that little devil's bodygard.

He should have avoided his cries and little whimpers.

But it too late now.

He killed someone.

There is no going back.He has to Adapt.he has to survive through this.just like the physical pain he is going through daily basis as it no longer scare him he have to adapt to the mental pain as well.then it'll become less and less harmfull for him.

While whithering in his thoughts he hear the sound of door opening.he didn't bother to look.he knows already.That Little devil.

But wait.

There is another smell.lilac.

He turned his neck to the side looking over the door.there stood his sister and the little one sheepishly smiling at him.

"Wha Are You Two Doing Here?"his tone is cold.but it doesn't look like that affected either of them.

"Mom Said she don't want to deal with us anymore and threw us out of the room.geez...she is so dramatic" sonmi said sassily tucking her hair behind her ear.then she looked the door and ran to the bed little one trailing behind her.

Taehyung frowns his eyebrow."and Why Is That?"he asked glancing at the little one who is surprisingly quiet.

"Kookie and I Had pillow fight but the pillows got exploded and the feathers scattered everywhere in mom's room.when she came she starts to cry like thr gollum in the lord of the ring, saying "my precious pillow" "my precious pillow". So I Said That Don't cry mom, It Just a pillow but she got soo mad that she kicked us out of the room..Oh My God! I don't know how to deal with her"she singh dramatically.

Taehyung let out a chuckle.Crazy siblings.

Taehyng slept peacefully that night.with his sister and brother hugging him either side of him like their life depend on it.


Short Chapter.I Have  a Assingment to submit tomorrow🙂💔

If any of you are confused  about their age.In this chapter Taehyung is 16,Jeon Sonmi is 11 and kookie is 8.

One more chapter to go and then it'll become interesting.i guess.

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