Sneaking pics of u Part 2

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My name is Niall.

Niall's P.O.V.

When I say my name is Niall, Y/N says that she used to have a friend named like that. Which surprised me to be honest..

Your P.O.V.

When Niall tells me his name I tell him that I used to have a friend named like that.. I could actually see the surprise in his face when I said that.. So I say 'Don't worry! If it was u I'm pretty sure I'd remember. Because well a hot guy isn't so hard to miss'

I decide to flirt a little. I mean he was taking pics of me.. Niall then answers 'Did u just call me hot?' Then I wonder if I should say yes or no... I go with yes..

Soon enough after 5mins we are switching numbers but when I'm on his phone I snoop around. When I stumble across the pics of me I ask 'Niall, what's this supposed to mean?'

Of course I act like I don't have a clue because well he can't know that I was posing for him. But I can admit that the pics came out good!

Niall's then says 'Y/N, I'm so sorry... Its just that to be honest I know its soon. But when I saw u walking I thought u were so beautiful... N since u were a stranger I never thought I'd see u again.. Yet look at where we are now.. I'm so sorry Y/N..'

When Niall says sorry about a billion times I never thought that he was a thinking I was beautiful. I thought he just did it because he was bored or something. So I decide to answer 'Niall it's okay... But next time just come up to me and ask for a pic.. Either way its fine.'

Niall's P.O.V.

When Y/N said that to me I was so happy.... That night we spent it texting til 3am..

*3 months later*

Your P.O.V.

Okay.. Since that incident in the street Niall and I became close friends. Then passed a month and we started to cuddle and hold hands.. Soon that made us fall for each other..

Right now I'm with Niall sitting on the couch with my head on his chest. We are currently watching Spongebob.. I look up to see that he is staring at me. He leans down and plants a small gentle kiss on my lips..

I sigh in happiness because I know that I wouldn't want anyone here with me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I only want Niall.

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