Harry Imagine ;)

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Harry is turning 21 today. All he wants to do is spend the day with you. He cancelled all his plans. On the other hand you promised to go to the movies with your bff. Harry just came out of the shower. Towel low on his body giving u a perfect view of his V-Line. U don't give in bc u know thts his plan. He walks over to u and caresses ur cheek.

H: Stay with me.. Plz?

Y/N: Sorry but I promised.

H: I guess u give me no other way.

Harry takes ur hand and handcuffs it to the bed. He then starts to kiss u. U can't help but give in bc his kisses never fail to make u melt. With ur free hand u pull his hair. He moans into ur mouth.

When you are both undressed he uncuffs u. U take tht opportunity to take control.

H: Take me Y/N. I am yours and I have no control.

Y/N: U don't have to tell me.

Needed to say tht was the best ride of ur life. U and Harry fell asleep in each others arms. The next day u woke up to ur phone ringing.

Y/N: Hello

Y/BFF/N: Why did u leave me at theaters alone!!!!

Y/N: Sorry I got caught up with Harry and I forgot to call u.

* Y/BFF/N hangs up*

H: Who was that?

Y/N: Nobody. Just forget it.

Harry kisses u then gets up from bed to make u breakfast.

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