Niall is a Cuddly Bear

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Niall and u were dating for a year. U guys were too young to get married but that doesn't mean u can't live together. So Niall was sharing an apartment with u. It was a cloudy afternoon. Niall liked days like this to watch movies and cuddle on the couch. So he dragged u to the couch and watched movies with u.

During the first movie " The Vow" he started to cuddle and cry in your arms. U thought this was cute so instead of cuddling, you took a pic and posted it on instagram. It got 30 likes within 5mins.

The 2nd movie was " Finding Nemo." You didn't like this movie so u spent most of your time watching Niall instead. When Nemo got lost Niall started to cry. U hugged his torso because u don't like seeing him like this.

Durning the last movie " Justin Bieber: Never Say Never" Niall was happier than ever. Of course he made u pay attention. His obsession with Justin Bieber made u laugh. It made u laugh because it was cute.

At the end of the day Niall laid down on the couch and pulled u on top of him. He kissed u. It wasn't a heated kiss. It was more like a " Thank You Kiss." With that being said u guys fell asleep on the couch in one another's arms

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