📌SNSD Taeyeon X (B)

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Requested by: Nopee
Genre: Sentimental (inspired to her song INVU)


You were smiling when you start packing your things "hey taenggu, will you pass that other bag" you speak up pointing to the black bag beside her, she took it from her side and pass it to you. She's been quiet all this time but you didn't bother to ask what is it. "hey y/n~ are you finished?" your friend shouted downstairs, she is waiting for you in the living room with your mom to accompany her downstairs while you're busy packing your things.

You and her were going to other country to pursue your dreams and taeyeon will be left behind here in Seoul because she is an artist. "Taenggu~ this is my last day here, why wouldn't you talk to me?" you ask before scooting next to her when you finished arranging your luggage. "I will miss you" she said when she looked at you, there's a little ache inside of your chest when she look at you and you can totally see in her eyes that she is in pain.

"I'll chat or call you when I have time and you know that even if I can't get in time to do so, I'll give my spare time to watch your vlogs, listen to your songs and more! so don't be sad, I'll visit here in Seoul when I satisfied myself being out of town" you said smiling brightly, she nodded smiling bitterly before hugging you. "You better" she whisper that made you chuckled "ne~ so I'll get going! and you, go to your work, you have a photoshoot aftrr an hour!" you start nagging, she laugh before standing in her sitting position and lean towards you to kiss your cheeks.

"Let's meet again when you come back, ok?" she said, you nodded, but before she even left the room. You took her hand to stop her "You're still mine, right?" you asked, she stopped on walking away before smiling.

She turned around and nodded, you smile back to her before letting her hands go. After 10 minutes Taeyeon left, you took your luggages downstairs looking at them.

"Y/N!? what luggages is that? did you take all the things in the house??" your mom exclaimed jokingly but looking on her face half of it were like disappointment because on how bad you pack your things. "Well, I did put my gaming equipment-" you blurtly said while scratching the back of your nape.

Your mom walk towards you before she grab your ear by pinching "Ow! ouch ow! heyy much of it are my clothes! Ow!" you reason out but your mom smack your head before taking the three luggages and open it. "I know! but you don't need to bring all your damn clothes, you stupid kid, just bring two luggages of clothes and your gaming equipment will stay in your room" and before you even whine about the gaming equipment she smack your leg a bit "no buts! put them back there" she said wearing her scary face.

Your friend Chaeyheon in the couch is trying to control her laughter, you glare at her first before taking your life back to your room, yup it's games. "I will really miss you keyboard-chan and monitor-kun" you said while touching them wearing a disappointing face. "Y/N! both of you will be late in flight because of you, come here right now and leave!" your mom shouted, sounds like she's good that you are leaving the house and more sounds like kicking you out.

You rushed downstairs as you know how boiled the water inside her, you put your mistakes as if you're teasing your mother but yup, this is how you bond with her. You keep making her nag this and that because you knew that tomorrow there's no other people will shout like this. It's only her and you will miss it. "I'm here! stop nagging now or your face will get wrinkles" you said, she tried to smack your head again but you dodge it first before laughing.

You quickly took your things and rush outside "I love you mom! you'll miss this stupid son of yours soon! haha!" you said before taking your things inside of the car, the driver is waiting inside and Chaehyeon is there sitting, you get inside of the car and wave a goodbye to your mom who just walked to stood next to the frame door.

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