📌Gfriend SinB and Yerin X (N)

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Long ass chapter T^T it because,i just want to make it a long story,I will make a chapter for this XD.

Genre: Angst

You was about to go in the store when someone call you,you turned around to look who was calling you and it was your best friend slash your secret love SinB. You both known each other on the school you've both go to and do some fun things together while like teasing each other in every crushes you've both have but she didn't even know that all of your crushes are fake cause you all see is her.

You tilt your head being curious why she is here in the store knowing she is now an idol and some issues,rumor or etc. Sometimes happen when they've seen in public accidentally but for you,you have a half of care cause she doesn't even wear a hat for her to cover her face.
You look over on the girl beside her and its her Unnie but same age as you. It was Yerin and you have totally a crushed on her on the first day you met her with Eunbi and her members. You were used to call her Eunie than to her stage name SinB. You was about to walk on them but all you just know she was now hugging you. You've just smile and look on the girl she'd been with along in this store.

"Eunie,why both of you are here? You know that you need to cover your face more for others not to know who you are right?" You asked on her as you pulled away on the hug and take off the cap you have and bring it on her head to wear. She just nod giggling a bit while smiling brightly with a little smirk starting to show on her face.
You know that Eunbi know that you have a little bit,just a little bit crush on Yerin but still you look at Yerin as a friend and that's it,you still in love with your best friend even years passed by even you see her in someone else while being happy. You always get jealous and want her to pulled away or just say to her that you don't like this and that guy, but what are you in life to be like that? Your not her gf/bf to act like that.

You have anxiety to confess your true feelings on her but here you go as always,just being a best friend and that's it.
"Y/N,hello~" Yerin and SinB wave their hands in front of your face that makes you back in reality,so many things you think (sorry its because the author say so many things XD) you look back at them while rubbing your nape.

Yerin look at SinB and you with curiosity "Is there something that I don't know?" SinB just chuckles and shrugged her shoulder before taking your hand being pulled by her taking you with Yerin in the part of the Soju section that makes your head tilt looking on her. "are you allowed to drink Eunbi?" Your voice with authority showed and heard by them and bring your both arms on your chest looking at her seriously.

"ughh.. Well,Let's just have fun? Only this day and come with us to have a little party in the dorm pleeeeaaase" Here she go using your weakness,whenever she do her puppy eyes you can't even say no and melted all the time she does it. You sighed and just nodded but smile suddenly seeing her looking like a kid while being happy.

You've just shook your head in disbelief with Yerin "Sometimes you need to say no on her" You heard Yerin said to you,you look at her sighing as you nod at her,she is right but sometimes what makes her happy it brings you happiness but of course only on the things that makes her good.
"Y/N,you know that someone wants to date me and its my crush since grade school!" SinB excitedly sharing it on both of you while Yerin just being with her again,bubbly and a happy girl while talking on her,of course its hurt you cause that is not you. You're just waiting for more words to come out on her,hope it will not hurt you.

"I said yes on him,so were secretly dating" Yerin start to 'oooh' while talking on her,you inhale deeply and exhale quietly knowing the knives of pain start to stab your heart, its hard cause all you want is her happiness so you will be a fooled and let yourself being in pain again.
You reach the limit of your pain,you can't handle it,you said on them that you have a emergency call when your phone ring,you will thank who the one called you later on but you run out in the store and let the tears start to stream down.

You just run far away on wherever your foot brings you,You look at your phone and see who's the one call you. You blink for a moment before answering it. "Are you okay now?" Yerin voice came out in the other line of the phone,you've just realize everything. "If you ever need someone,just said it to me okay? I will come on your pla-" She was been cut when you speak,a weak tone of your voice the one she heard. "I n-need you" You sit on the bench wiping your tears before you decided to go home.


Let's cut these for a moment XD. Owo sorry for the late update

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