📌 Sowon X (B) Part 3

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Genre: Romance
Requested: its been soo long that I forgot to do the 3rd part of this story, if you forgot or haven't read the story, just browse its titled as 📌Kwon Eunbi X (B)

You took your phone and call your mom and tell that you are agreeing in the agreement they wanted, for thinking Dae, he will grew up with a mom.


It's been two years after I called my mom for the agreement "I hope I did the right decision, my love" I talk to Eunbi's picture with a faint of smile. "appa! let's play" I heard Dae calling me from the living room, I gently put the picture of her back on its place. Feels its been a while losing the live of my life but I couldn't blame anyone, she did her best, the doctors did their best to save one of them and I know Eunbi will choose to die than losing our child.

I walk out from my room that was been our room, memories still lingers on it but here I am still cherishing them. It wouldn't matter if I felt lonely but that's how I make myself remembered our love.

I saw Dae playing with his lego, he looked at me and a smile flashed on his face that little glimpse of the past came running on my head, that's how Eunbi smile at me, that's how Eunbi when she is happy or excited, He is really her son.

I sit next to him to play even though I don't know what kind of thing should I do but then a sudden ring of a doorbell came up to disturb the quiet and peaceful house. "Son, I came to visit Dae and I'm with So-jung" my mom pop up from the doorframe as they get inside of the house and afterwards So-jung came in and stand behind her, I can totally her face as my mom can't even block her as how tall she is.

"eomma?" Dae blurted out of the blue while looking at them, he slowly stood up and walk to them. I thought he is talking about my mom but he isn't, he run pass to her and hug the tall girl. "you're beautiful" he said, I can see how So-jung smile at him with a blush on her face before carrying him. "Am I? thank you" She said having a good conversation with him.

"Let's talk y/n" My mom catching my attention as I watched them. I nodded before following her in the kitchen leaving the two in the living room to bond.

"I'm too shock for what Dae did" My mom firstly muttered in our conversation and so do I, I'm too shock to not even have any words to say. I'm practically didn't even know what to say as if I saw my late lover in her. "I guess she looks like of her, some part of it"

 "I guess she looks like of her, some part of it"

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Eunbi of Iz*One

Eunbi of Iz*One

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