📌IZ*One Sakura X (B)

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Genre: fluff or random lol
Requested: nope, just the second part of Arigachi_ requested

Last Part:

"y/n, I wanted to tell something to you" She whispered when you both got sitted on your seats and you nodded smiling at her, she calm herself smiling back at you before focusing at the class fully.


Sakura POV

I'm too scared and my anxiety attacking me, I'm not into talking that much to y/n but it's always got me flustered when I talk to him, well I need to focus on the class first before I tell him what I wanted to tell, it's make me giggle and I hope Wonyoung is right cause its makes me so excited to ask him about it.

"what was the thing you wanted to tell on me?" his voice on the right side all I heard that makes me turn to him, I jump a bit away as we are so close like it will be an inch that he can kiss me. I blushed on the sudden situation and either of him back up in his chair to sit properly. I didn't even know that he is whispering and the teacher is gone. "let's just talk outside, when it's break time" I said without looking on his way, I'm still fluttered on what happen that kinda makes me smile a bit.

Third person POV

You doesn't even know what you will even do after that situation, you both nearly kiss each other not in a good time cause you both in a classroom and the good thing is, you both are in the back so no one even saw what happen that time. Many guys adore Sakura but then it's always making you curious about who she is more but now, you are curious on the thing she wanted to tell on you. There is more 2 hours after the break time so you only do is play on your ballpen, draw on the back of your notebook and sometimes glance at Sakura.

You really tell that you fell for her but then, you don't make everything rushing for her. So you always end up smiling and agreeing than confessing. Breaktime came and both of you are now in the hallway, your hand were on your pocket while Sakura is looking at you shyly, flustered and smiling. You can see on her eyes the happiness and excitement and so here are you curious. You then sometimes glance on the guys walking and passing around. They were like glaring at you, cause why you are even with Sakura.

"uhm, Y/N will you go with me at home? Uhm.. And like, uh- play with me?" she is stuttering a bit but said it clearly, she is waiting for your answer looking down then back to you smiling while she is still flustered. You smiled on how cute she is and you nodded on what she asking on you "of course, it's all okay to me though, I thought its something more important to talked about that's why you want it privately" you chuckles but she frowned pouting and hit you lightly that makes you shake your head as you are signing its just a joke.

You and her go to the cafeteria to get the lunch you both need before going back in the room, getting all the subject you both have to be finished, she start to dragged you out of your seat smiling excitedly "let's go now y/n~" you nodded chuckling and go stood up following her you both got in the car and going to wonyoung to pick her up at the same time. The three of you goes to Sakura's house to play along with her.

"btw, so if someone win in this game, that person can do everything here all the night and gave rules to other one!" She smiled when she picked up her controller "kinda unfair, you are a gamer and you know this game!" Wonyoung complain and both of you and Sakura chuckled on her. You gave the chance of playing with wonyoung and to Sakura to lose on the game for wonyoung not to be upset cause she is just a cute lil fluff girl. You all were having fun but then a call from a phone rung.

"let's pause the game, wait for a moment" you and wonyoung nodded and let Sakura goes to pick up the phone call while you and wonyoung talking to each other. " I-I need to go.. My mom needs me" you and wonyoung looking at her shock, you both stood up to go with her "where is the hospital?" you said and turn the engine rushing on driving but being careful still cause you don't want to get on accident with them while following Sakura's directions, when the car stops, she immediately get off and run rushing on the hospital, wonyoung on her back following while you parked the car first before running to where they are.

You saw them in third floor, yes you need to find them cause you didn't catch them up as you run to follow them, Wonyoung signing you to comfort her, it's not because she don't know how but it's for you to have a chance to to be close and to comfort her. You came close to her and was about to tap her shoulder but before it happen she turn around crying looking at her, you can't stand it, how she cried and pain she is. She hugged you so tight and cry on your arms, you hug her close to you letting her cry while petting her head. "everything will be okay Sakura" you softly mumble between of your breath, she nodded keeps on crying, you let her like that after some minute you felt her wait and you just knew she is falling asleep.

You catch her for her not to fall and lead her where wonyoung is "I know you're tired too, wanna sleep in my shoulder?" you asked to wonyoung and she smile leaning to you, you are the only one who is awake while wonyoung sleeping on your shoulder and you brought Sakura laying down on the long seat and place her head on your lap to let her sleep peacefully. The doctor came up taking of the gloves and the mask to talk respectively and you ask if she can just talk to you and let the two girls sleep and she nodded "the woman got hit by a car as what the rescuer said to us, she is in a bad condition still and we are doing our best for the operation" that's all the update sha said and we need to wait more for the operation if will it be a successful or not.

-to be continue.

I know, I'm a bad author for not finishing a story but let me be 😂😂

But then choose if the operation will be successful or not.

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