11. His story

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After visiting Jungkook, Yoongi went straight to his place. There his lover was waiting for him at the front gate. As he got out of his car, his lover came over to him and asked with a smile "Did you meet them?" But the expression on yoongi's face made his face drop.

"Jungkook would never forgive me" Yoongi said with a sigh. His lover walked closer to him and gave him a hug talking in a small voice "I am sorry, I was the reason for everything "

"Jimina, don't blame yourself. He and I, we didn't love each other. It was more like an arrangement. But what we have now, that is love and I'm ready to face its consequences" yoongi said making eye contact with jimin. Jimin looked back with teary eyes. Yoongi moved closer giving a peck on his lover's lips. (Yoonmin, Yas!!)

"I can't help but feel guilty. I ruined two lives just because i wasn't sure of my feelings." Jimin said still hugging his lover.

"It's fine to be unsure of what you want. People's feelings change and other's are meant to understand it. If they don't, it isn't your fault" yoongi comforted jimin.

"But don't you dare come to me saying you like someone else" he added jokingly.

"I have fallen for you so hard that i can't love anyone now. So don't you worry"

"Ok my love. Could you make something for me to eat? I'm starving " yoongi said going into the house.

"I will but you go change your clothes first" jimin pushed him into the room and went on to making food.

As they were sitting in the dining table, yoongi suddenly spoke "You know, Jungkook may have found someone."

Jimin stopped what he was doing and looked at yoongi and said "Isn't it good then?" He said to yoongi who was now lost in his own thoughts.

"He looked like a gentleman and he was the one who took the letter from me." Yoongi said ignoring the others remark. "His name was umm taehyung?"

Now jimin stopped. He sat near yoongi "K-kim taehyung?" He asked.

"Yes, i think why did u ask?" Yoongi asked Jimin whose mind was now back to some day before one or two years.

Jimin was standing by the bus stop with a dejected face. He couldn't digest the fact that his crush was married.

He always thought his crush liked him back but he was just shy to confess just like him. So, all he did was stealing some glances and admiring yoongi from far away.

When he knew yoongi is married he felt like he should have been brave enough to confess. But it was too late to say that.

He went to the night club for the first time that day. He needed to get drunk. But ofc Jimin was too shy to even ask for a drink. He just stood by a corner and observed his surroundings.

The smell of alcohol was so strong and one could see people dancing like crazy (I would rather be lost in the lights, lost in the lights~), making out and some were lying in the floor wasted.

"This was a bad idea" he said to himself only to hear another voice next to him saying the exact same words.

His eyes diverted to the source of the sound. There stood a man looking back at him.

"Hey" jimin said

"Hi" the man replied

"Feeling like an outcast?" The man asked. And jimin nodded.

"First timer? "The man questioned. " Yes " he said

"Oh shoot I forgot. I'm kim taehyung" he said extending his hands.

"And I'm park jimin "

"Nice to meet you Jimin" the man said with a warm smile.

The rest of the night was really amajin. Both of them ended up hit if off so well.

"It was really fun talking to you tae" jimin said.

"Are you already leaving? It's sounds like that " taehyung replied.

*chuckles* "no i just want you to know how good your company was " he replied

"Oh thanks. Same goes to you" said Taehyung rubbing the nape of his neck. "Wanna dance?" He then asked extending his hands.

Jimin took his hand with a smile and went to the dance floor. The upbeat music suddenly changed into some slow song.

Taehyung grabbed onto jimin's waist and pulled him closer while they swayed onto the rhythm of the song.

Jimin was busy with checking out the handsome man's facial features up close while taehyung was dancing with his all.

He suddenly forgot about all the saddness he had as he found out his crush got married.

He was put out of his trance as the song changed.

"Oh this is my fav" taehyung shouted with enthusiasm.

Jimin watched him sing and dance with full spirits. After a while they went out of the club.

"So bye"

"Bye then" jimin replied

Taehyung gave him a hug and pulled away.

"Maybe we could meet up later"

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked putting Jimin out of his thoughts

I feel like my writing is getting a lil better. But i don't have time to write 😭😭😭😭. I will try to update later. Maybe i won't so hope u guys wait. Bye for now. Take care


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