10. We don't need you anymore

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"Pappa, D-dadda is here ", Junghe said trying to catch his breath.

"W-what" jungkook said with wide eyes.

Taehyung looked at him. He could see that jungkook's eyes were clouded with rage and sorrow. Jungkook walked out leaving taehyung behind while Junghe followed him out of the store.

As he came out, he saw Min Yoongi standing there. "H-hey jungkook "

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asked with an expressionless face.

"I'm here to meet Junghe and talk to you" he replied and signaling junghe to come closer by extending a box of sweets.

As junghe was about to grab it from his dadda's hands, jungkook pulled him back.

"We don't want to talk to you anymore. You may leave." He said starring at the floor while junghe stood behind him weeping silently.

Taehyung now came out of the store. Jungkook now turned around facing tae and said, "Sorry for making a scene here taehyungssi. We will be leaving now."

"Jungkook wait. I wrote this for you before you left me but you never read it. I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness but please read it at least." Yoongi said extending a letter.

But Jungkook ignored him and walked away with junghe. Taehyung saw the man returning to the car with a sad face. So he went closer.

"Excuse me mister. I am Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's new neighbour. I could take this letter to him." He said only to gain a small nod from the man. He handed the letter to taehyung and left. He wasn't someone who likes to meddle into other's lives but let's just say he was concerned about the younger.

Taehyung went into the shop putting the now finished cake into the cooling unit, closing the store and driving back.

He noticed that the door to Jungkook's apartment was open. So, he knocked and entered.

Junghe was lying in the couch with his tear-stained face pressed onto a pillow while jungkook could be heard in the kitchen.

"Hey cupcake, why are you crying?" Tae said sitting near to the boy. Junghe got up and pulled Tae into a hug saying, " Taetae am I a bad boi? Does pappa hate me when I say I want to meet dadda?? "

"Look at you. You are the opposite of bad. Pappa is just jealous when you ask for dadda ok? He loves you a lot. He wants to be the favorite parent. That's all!" Tae said wiping his tears.

"He ish my favorite. But I just want to meet dadda because otherwise he will be alone" Junghe said trying to hold back from tearing up further.

"Stop crying now sweetie. Let me go talk to your pappa" with that Tae went into the kitchen.

"Tae, you didn't have to come over here. We are fine" Jungkook said as soon as he noticed the older.

"Umm I just came to give you this letter. I know I shouldn't get involved in your personal matters, but that man seemed broken, so I just got this letter. Sorry if I did something wrong." He said putting the letter on the kitchen counter.

Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears, and he was in the brink of crying.

"All that I wanted from him was a word or look showing concern for me. But he never did that. I didn't care. I hoped he would be better when we have junghe. He was soft to Junghe but just a-as things started to be fine-" with that he broke down.

Taehyung stood there not knowing what to do.

"H-he never l-loved me. I surely wasn't good enough for him. Or else why did he c-cheat on me " jungkook said while sobbing bitterly.

"H-hey d-don't c-cry " taehyung said and pulled the younger into a hug.

He still was unsure of what to do but he wanted jungkook to feel better. "You can talk to me whenever, if it helps. Don't be sad over someone who didn't even love you. You have a strong mind Jungkook. You will be fine" he said patting on his shoulders.

'These are exactly the words that my mom told me' jungkook thought for a moment.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Tae asked which put jungkook out of his thoughts.

"No hyung. This is already troubling you. I don't want to give you anymore difficulty." Jungkook said not realising the new name he gave the older. But it didn't go unnoticed by taehyung.

'Hyung ' he said to himself.

"Don't say that kook. You haven't caused me any trouble. Please make sure that junghe feels happy. He hasn't got anything to do with you being divorced. Don't let it affect your relation."tae said with genuine concern. Jungkook nodded wiping his eyes.

"It is late already. Y-you s-should get some sleep. Let me check on Junghe. I'm really thankful for your presence here Tae" Jungkook said while Tae walked out 

As he left, jungkook went to junghe who was now asleep. He slowly kissed his son's forehead while mumbling a sorry taking junghe to the bed. After covering junghe in a blanket, he thought about what had happened.

He just opened up about his past to taehyung. He never had trusted someone this fast but taehyung made him feel safe. He felt like he was worth happiness.

On the next room, taehyung was also in his bed but he wasn't asleep. The story jungkook said reminded him of someone he used to love.

'Why did you leave me? Where did it go wrong? Wasn't I good enough?' Taehyung stacked one question over the other while a tear escaped his eyes.

This is probably the chapter that took me the longest to write. I mean I was lazy that I wrote it after long breaks. Ah but I'm having a bad feeling about the story. My writing feels so underwhelming to me. Lemme not overthink ehh. Okay bye people!


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