5. The sweet shop and the sweet shopkeeper ( pt 1)

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Sunrays were peeking through the curtains causing the pappa to wake up with a growl .'Shoot! I oversleep' he realized as he saw the time in the clock .He probably woke up in the wrong side of the bed. He was in a hurry getting things done and taking his son to school before it gets too late. When he turned around to get the bread from the toaster, he hit the glass of milk with his elbow and spilled it over the table and on himself.

Oddly, it was Jungkook who was more childish and careless at time. "DAD!" Junghe exclaimed and took a deep breath. "Oops" Jungkook said with a nervous chuckle.

"Pappa , please be careful. You need to get a babysitter i guess. " junghe said in a dramatic tone face palming.

"Ok ok. It was my mistake I'll fix it. Give me a minute.", his pappa replied trying to clean the mess.

Now the long forgotten toast was burning now adding on to the mess.

"Amazing. So I'll be late for school on the second day? I miss taetae already ", Junghe said with a pout.

"Seems like you love your teacher more than me now. I wonder who is the one getting you cupcakes today" Jungkook said pouting. It was a competition of who is more cuter. Believe me no one can choose a winner here.

Junghe was about to say something when his pappa interrupted him.
"Let's go. You shouldn't be late . I'll take care of the kitchen after i come back"

They left the house with that. They went to school in silence. Junghe left after giving his lovely pappa a kiss in his cheek.

Jungkook went back home in a bus and cleaned the mess they made. That day went by with Jungkook looking for available jobs over the internet. But he ended up falling asleep and having another not so productive day. Getting up from his afternoon nap, Jk decided to set off to his son's school. There he was met with Junghe who looked scary that he felt like he should just leave.

"What happened cupcake?", Jungkook asked his son who was sulking.

"I wanna see taetae. He left this school. I thought he was joking yesterday but he isn't teaching me now" his son was visibly sad.

"Aww my baby. Don't be sad. We will go scold him when we reach home. Now lemme get you the cupcake I promised you.", he managed to lift Junghe's spirit a little.

They walked to a shop nearby. It had an antique touch to it. A board with 'Sweet Bliss' written in Italics was hanging on the front. Junghe pushed the door open causing a small bell to ring next to them alerting the shopkeeper for visitors.

"Hello", he said to the man standing by the counter.

The man turned around and they were all surprised. It was Kim Taehyung.

"Taetae", junghe ran over to him. Jungkook was shocked. He felt that he was seeing this man every where he goes . Is it mere coincidence or was it fate?

Hi readers, this is a little small because i wasn't in the mood of writing another long chapter. So i made this one into two parts. And how is this story going?

What do you think about tae? What is he doing in the sweet shop?


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