12.Small World

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"Jimin?", Yoongi asked putting Jimin out of his thoughts.

" Huh? " He said as he realized what had happened. "What is it? Do you know this man? " Yoongi asked with his hands resting on his chin. "Y-yeah. You know him too" Jimin said looking at yoongi. "I know him? " He questioned in confusion

"The one who you to drop me to your company" "Huh? You mean the one who made me jealous? " Yoongi asked playfully. Jimin chuckled while nodding.

"See you later Jimina" Taehyung said as he dropped jimin off at his workplace.

"See you Tae" the shorter male said getting down from the bike. 

"Good morning, sir", Jimin said as he entered his Boss's room. "Who was it that dropped you off?" replied the man from the other side of the room. His face wasn't seen due to the newspaper he was reading.

"H-he is m-my friend sir" said Jimin who was now visibly tensed. "Just a friend?" Yoongi said putting the paper down and staring right into the other male's eyes.

"Y-yes sir." "Am I your friend,Park Jimin?" asked Yoongi as he walked towards Jimin. 

Jimin's body tensed up as Yoongi moved closer. "Y-Yes " he managed to say.

"So, you can hug me like you did to him if I drop you off today?" he asked moving closer to Jimin who held his hands together. 

"Answer me!" Yoongi said lifting up Jimin's face making him look back at his eyes.

Jimin looked into his boss's eyes. 'He is upset. But why?'  he thought. "This is why I can't over you" 

"What?" Yoongi asked. "A-ah I d-didn't mean to say it like thi-" Jimin was cut off by a pair of lips on his. 

"Thanks to Tae, you kissed me that day" Jimin said with a giggle.

"I yeah " Yoongi couldn't say that he admitted his feelings out of jealousy. "Actually, I liked you since the time you helped me with my stress by making dad jokes and trying to cheer me up secretly" Yoongi admitted.

"I should have joined you company a few years earlier. Then you wouldn't have married Jungkook, and I wouldn't have met Taehyung. We could have been each other's first boyfriends" Jimin pouted.

"But we did meet eventually" Yoongi said putting food into his plate and also serving Jimin.

That was how it was meant to be. They both needed someone else to realize that they needed each other more than they knew.

A knock in the door made Taehyung wake up from his sleep.

"h-hyung open up" "Jungkook?" he asked as he turned the doorknob. The door opened to reveal Jungkook all sweaty with red eyes holding Junghe close. He looked like he was about to collapse.

"W-what's wrong "Taehyung asked in panic. 

"J-Junghe" Jungkook said in between his tears.

Hey beautiful people, I'm back!! wohooooo...I'm excited to be here again. A short chapter for my comback after like 2 years.....WOAH! THAT'S A LONG AGO... Ah, So I edited the other chapters hehe. No promises on whether I'll update regularly but yea Imma try ...Okkie bieeeeee


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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