3.His Dad

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"Pappa can we met dad?" Junghe said as he saw a kid being hugges by his dad on the tv screen.

Jungkook stopped chopping the veggies and looked at his son 

"You know we ain't together don't you Junghe? We can't meet him baby" , he replied trying to calm himself.

"B-but pappa I-I miss h-him . I'm s-sure he m-misses u-us too. C-can we at least call him?", Junghe asked with teary eyes.

"He doesn't like us anymore. So forget about your him. Now go watch something else . Let me finish this ,will you?" , Jungkook said making his son cry even harder. 

Seeing his son crying like that reminded him of that day.

"Pappa!!! Where is dad? I haven't seen him for a whole week!", Junghe said with a sad pout.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that we can't meet him?", Jungkook said still angry with his husband.

"B-but p-pappa", Junghe said weeping.

"DON'T MENTION THAT MAN TO ME. JUST LET ME BE." , Jungkook was yelling. It was the first time Junghe was being yelled at by his sweet pappa . The 4 year old's mind couldn't take it. He started weeping even more.

Jungkook just walked away from his crying son in frustration. He didn't think about the kid's emotions when he was an emotional mess himself. He shut the door at his son and was crying. But after a minute the reality hit him, he just left his son to cry . He opened the door only to see his son laying unconscious on the floor. The guilt hit him like tsunami . He tried waking his son up but failed. 

The panicking father just called a cab and took his son to the nearest hospital and soon called his parents and informed the matter.

"We were just out for the groceries what happened?" , Mrs. Jeon asked 

"I-I I'm a t-terrible f-father. Why did I yell at him?" , Jungkook broke into sobs in his mothers arms as he narrated the whole incident.

"Don't blame yourself son. What has happened is past. Make sure to not repeat this again. " his dad comforted him.

The doctor informed that Junghe is a small boy who can't take up trauma even in a mild form. Since then even though Jungkook was still troubled by his divorce, he tried his best to not make it affect his son.

" Junghe , don't you know we don't talk to dad ? You have got Pappa hmm? I know it is hard for you without him but aren't you the only one I have got as well? I will get you your favorite cupcakes tomorrow when we come back from school ok? Wipe your tears and blow your nose here. Now let's have dinner and sleep?", Jungkook changed the tone of the conversation giving a handkerchief to his son.

"Pappa... aren't we all that dad has got as well?" , Junghe asked surprising his father

"N-no he has got a new (boy) friend" ,Jungkook replied.

"Okay then don't worry pappa I won't leave you . But don't forget about the cupcakes ", Junghe now said.

" Oh okay my cupcake" , Jungkook said tickling his son all over him and picked him up taking him to the dining table .He couldn't remember the last time they laughed and enjoyed themselves like this . Maybe moving to a new place did help. 

Heyyooo..I'm just chilling now so y'all can tell me which book to update, I'll try writing. But can't write long ass chapters sorry hehe. And also don't hate Jungkook's character or me . It is just something which is possible to happen to anyone if these circumstances comes. Hope everyone understands. If you don't understand  ...........................................................ummmm............well I don't care . Okkie bye . 


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