SasaMyaa#01 [Part 02]

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Sasaki to Miyano x Super Danganronpa 2

SasaMyaa #01

CHAPTER 03 [Part 02]

Despair Fever

After hearing the body discovery announcement from overly joy Monokuma, the investigation started, and in the middle of it the three patients finally show up.

"Another killing... huh... we really couldn't able to stop it." Niibashi commented, but no one made a response instead they're all looking at them with sorrow on their faces. Tashiro on the other hand is crying in the corner of the room.

Sasaki stays quiet while looking around obviously looking for someone.

"Sasaki." Hanzawa with sad smile on takes the taller classmate's attention.

"Hey Hanzawa."

"Over here..." Hanzawa simply said as he points on the chair that they're all surrounding.

"Hanzawa! You know I'm not good at investigations!" For some reason Hirano and Kuresawa get sadder. Sasaki totally misunderstood Hanzawa. "Anyways have you seen-"

"Miyano? He's over here, Sasaki."

A feeling... a really awful feeling sprouted inside Sasaki. He didn't know and he really doesn't want to know. An idea spark inside his head. A very scary idea. An idea he doesn't want to stumble on. He doesn't want to take the first step towards the nightmare. But he must know. He must see Miyano.

With high possibility of bad news, Sasaki still hopes for the best.


Immediately after taking his last step and lay his eyes on the subject they all making him look, his heart skip a beat, then continue to beat nonstop. His hands trembling while gripping on the chair next to him.

Why? Why of all the people here? Why it has to be him? Why not him? Are the questions that popping on his head, as he staring at the bloodied body of Ultimate Lucky Student.

Miyano is like just sleeping if just erase the fact that he has blood on his shirt.

"Myaa-chan? Hey Myaa-chan wake up... you shouldn't sleep on such a place like this; you might catch a cold." Sasaki with shaking voice talks to Miyano who isn't responding at all.

"Sasa-" Hirano put his hand on Ogasawara's shoulder stopping him from whatever he is planning. Ogasawara turns to Ultimate Disciplinary Committee Vice Chairman who only shook his head.

"Myaa-chan? Hey Myaa-chan, wake up already, they all mistaken you being the victim... look Tashiro is been crying over there... Myaa-chan, we still needed to discuss about the manga you lent me the other day. Myaa-chan?" His hand reaches for Miyano's face and the moment he touches the smiling lad, tears stream down his face. "Miyano..." with his shaking hands Sasaki embrace the cold lifeless body of Miyano Yoshikazu, and cries his hearts out.

Sasaki embrace Miyano tightly, so tight that if Miyano is still alive he'll be breathless but-it's much better, than hugging him now that he is literally breathless.

Each, one by one, the other ultimates went their ways to do investigation to find Miyano's killer. They didn't ask Sasaki to join, there's no way he could.

Ogasawara and Kagiura are the only ones who were left behind to keep an eye on Miyano's body and Sasaki's behavior. No one would be able to tell what will he do now Miyano is dead.

After an hour Hirano went back to Movie Theater to check on Sasaki.

"Yo." Kagiura and Ogasawara both turn to him, and greeted him quietly. "How's Sasaki?"

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