SasaMyaa #04

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SasaMyaa #04

A Little Story During Picnic

Bright sunny day, cool breeze, and beautiful pink petals falling from the trees. Nice fine weather to have a picnic with friends, family or maybe with a lover—which is to say this couple really didn't pass the chance to enjoy it together.

Sitting in their lay blanket with bento boxes and thermos are Sasaki and Miyano who are felt so satisfied and relief that they were able to get the best place in the park,

"HM! This is delicious!" Sasaki almost yell in happiness and shock, after taking a bite of onigiri. "Did you make this Myaa-chan?"

"I—did... it is really good?" Miyano feels embarrassed about his boyfriend's reaction, and also kind of worried that he might be just being nice.

"It is!" answered truthfully, while showing his toothy grin. "Wow! You're improving each time!" Sasaki added while staring dearly at the onigiri, thinking how much he loves the younger lad.

Mad blush rushes to Miyano's face upon seeing how much endearing his boyfriend could get. Miyano turns away and fans himself to relieve the heat on his face. 'Gosh! I love him so much!' he internally panic, and took a bite of the onigiri as well.

Unbeknownst to Miyano's awareness, a hand is slowly reaching for his face. When he felt the hand or more like a finger touch his cheek near his mouth, he turns to his boyfriend confusedly.

"There's a rice on you, Myaa-chan." Sasaki's smile never fails to make Miyano's heart jump, as Miyano describes it as like bright sunlight that never fails to make him feel warm, happy, and butterflies in his stomach.

Sasaki is surely having a great effect on Miyano, that sometimes the shorter one question himself how come he didn't notice these things much earlier.

But Miyano decided to send those thoughts out of his mind because right now, they're together and they're happy. Miyano swore that he'll do anything and everything for Sasaki, that he definitely makes his beloved senpai happy.

Yeah, definitely. For sure—but Sasaki always beat him to it and Miyano doesn't know if it's intentional or maybe normal... might be from BL Manga... why Miyano could say those? Because right now Sasaki makes Miyano's heart pound hard and the blush has darkened his face seeing Sasaki eat the piece of rice he got from Miyano.

Miyano is shocked, and embarrassed, and has butterflies on his stomach, again.

"You're so adorable Myaa-chan!"

"I almost have a heart attack!" unintentionally Miyano spatted, still with a red face.

Sasaki laughs, 'Really, Myaa-chan is so cute.' Oh! How much he loves Miyano.

Sasaki watches Miyano tries to calm himself while fanning his face, in silence and with a big lovable smile.


Upon being called by his boyfriend Miyano turns and was caught off guard. As always.

Miyano's eyes widen, because of course it was so sudden and clearly out of the blue, but he then closes his eyes and lets himself be drunk on Sasaki's lips. Of course, their blood never fails to have a party on their faces.

"Why are you always doing that out of the blue, Shuumei-san?" Miyano asked after breaking their blissful moments.

"Because your reactions are always the best!" Miyano pouted.

Sasaki was about to indulge himself in the rice ball that Miyano made but... blood runs back on his face at full speed after feeling Miyano's lips at his ear, then his hand went to the taller lad's face which Miyano use to sign Sasaki to turn to him.

Sasaki is sure surprised, and right now he wanted to push Miyano to the ground and devour him but they were in public, so maybe once they're back to either of their rooms? Or maybe somewhere with complete privacy.

So, for now, Sasaki turns, and lets Miyano kiss him.

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