SasaMyaa# 09

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SasaMyaa# 09

A Sight to be Hold

After blinking several times, Sasaki open his mouth again to talk to the person beyond the call. Confusion is written all over his face, as it is not normal that his boyfriend would cancel their date for a reason he cannot say.

He's curious of what Miyano is hiding from him.

"Then Myaa-chan, it is alright I come at your house instead?" there's silence beyond, that made Sasaki nervous.

(Alright) it's a weak response, and hesitation could be heard, but anyhow, he still letting him come means it wasn't that bad... Sasaki could only hope.

Turning off their call, Sasaki quick on his foot and run as fast as he can to not miss the train he would ride to Miyano's house.

With the urge to learn what's going on his boyfriend, Sasaki brace himself.

The only reason Miyano agreed to let Sasaki come is because he badly wanted to see his lover so much. But... how will he explain his current circumstances? Like... it wasn't that bad... no—it's not actually bad, but since he was left alone with the subject of his reason, he doesn't know how Sasaki will react into this.

Miyano wonders if Sasaki would likes this...

Existence of that in his boyfriend's arms, Sasaki covers his mouth while staring at his boyfriend carrying a toddler that also staring at him with innocent eyes.

The taller one look back at his boyfriend who has awkward smile on.

"This one is the reason?" Finally, Sasaki found himself let out the question that been running on his mind even before Miyano opens the door and welcome him in.

He gets a nod for a response, then again, his eyes fell on that reason.

Miyano invited him in.


"Ah... yeah... well, he's Mikoto-chan, my cousin. His parents went into business trip, but they cannot bring him with them, so they ask my parents if he can stay here for a mean time, at least until they come back."

"Hmm... I see."

"I'm really sorry Shuumei-san!"

The one that receiving apologies shook his head with smile, the nervous and anxiety he has earlier are all disperse completely—actually, he starting to love the sight of his boyfriend carrying a child.

"My mom went to grocery, and no one will be left to take care of him."

"It's alright Myaa-chan! I'm glad that it wasn't a big deal at all."

"Really, I'm sorry!"

"Don't sweat it. But since we cannot leave him alone, let's just have house date instead."

"Eh? It's really alright? We planned this date for three months,"

"Yeah... actually it's a sight to behold."


"You—carrying a child. A sudden feeling burst inside—" Sasaki cut off his own words as his silver cat eyes endearingly stare at his boyfriend, "I am looking forward to our future with our own little one." Miyano blushes, and he couldn't help but imagined it too, and of course with the same intrusive thought 'I feel like I've read this setting in BL too!'

After getting snacks and drinks from the kitchen, Sasaki and Miyano went to the latter's bedroom, but instead to do their usual stuffs such as reading BL Manga or novels, Sasaki, and Miyano both busy in taking care of the toddler.

It wasn't too much of a work, despite being a toddler Mikoto is a real quiet one, though it's making them curious why the toddler is staring at Sasaki, that Miyano wants to test something.

"Senpai, would you hold him for a while? I just must use toilet."


Without receiving response from the taller, Miyano with smile shoves the toddler on Sasaki's arms who's reluctant to take over, Miyano skips out the room and closes the door.

Sasaki after blinking in confusion, a sudden anxiety brewed inside in him, like: is he carrying the child right? Or the toddler might cry anytime soon... or it is alright I carrying him?

But those thoughts were toss aside when the toddler's small hand grips his cardigan while staring at him.

Looking properly at the toddler's face, Sasaki sees similarities between Miyano and Mikoto, they're really look alike, that the only difference are their hair, (Miyano has black, Mikoto has dark violet) eyes, (Miyano has gold, Mikoto has amber) and Mikoto doesn't have that beauty mark under his left eye.

"Is he really just a cousin?" Anyone would definitely ask the same question.

The thoughts once again toss aside when suddenly his small hand landed on Sasaki's cheek, that made him smile.

Sasaki feels like Mikoto is his and Miyano's own child, that really making him look forward for the future.

"Senpai is so cute!" Miyano mumble softly and quietly behind the slightly open door. He lied about going into the toilet, it just an excuse for his experiment, since the toddler looks like been curious to his senpai, and to see if he's right he done it, and he definitely didn't regret that, as he now seeing a sight that he will only see at the future with his beloved senpai.

It's a big mystery for Miyano's Mama as of why her house feels so empty, wondering if her son takes her niece out.


Because when she called out no one come to welcome her.

She brings her groceries in the kitchen first; then due to curiosity she peaks quietly on her son's bedroom and found such a sight.

Mikoto is sleeping at her son's boyfriend's arms, while Sasaki's head is on her son's head who sound asleep at his boyfriend's shoulder

"Cute~" Miyano Mama giggle silently, while closing the door quietly.

Truly, a sight to be hold.

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