SasaMyaa #08

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SasaMyaa #08


"Unfading Love, Immortality."

"Three, four, five—wow! This is a long list..." An orange-haired guy exasperatedly sighs after looking at the list he has in his hand, sitting at the edge of a cliff, and watches as a bus fill with students pass-by with narrow cold silver eyes.

"Make sure you won't miss anyone, Shuumei." Another guy with blonde hair has step forward, "I don't want any double work just because you are being lazy." He continues as he follows the bus with his eyes.

"You're so serious, Taiga!"

"And you are being lazy. Stand up now, it'll be soon."

"Right~~" Shuumei tiredly replied as he stands up and dust his black slack off, then walks, follows his partner who is already went off to the same direction the bus took.

"Akabane Karma..." Shuumei reads the file in his hand while he is crouching down at the unconscious red-head student whose hand is extended towards another student. Shuumei stare at Akabane Karma and sighs, "Well at least you two are still together even after dead." Shuumei whisper quietly as a memory of a black hair girl with golden eyes enters his mind.

The woman is smiling brightly at him, "Shuumei-san!" her voice sounded so sweet and lovely.

Back to the present; a handful ball of light came out from the student; this is the soul of the living person and only the Dead Reaper could bring it out as the time of living is chipping away from them. Shuumei takes out a knife and cut the string that connecting the soul into the body.

"Retrieval, Complete." He announced as he put the soul inside his bag, then turns his head where his partner is which is just almost next to him.

"Shiota Nagisa..." Hirano after reading the file, did the same of what Shuumei have done to Akabane Karma. Shiota Nagisa the blue-head student is also having his hand extend towards Akabane.

"Too bad they both died at the same time..." Hirano said.

"No, this is actually good. At least none of them will suffer from heartache because of losing the other." Shuumei response as he stands up while hiding his knife.

"Someone seems relate."

Shuumei stays quiet.


Shuumei yawn rather loudly then buried his face again at the pillow while lying face down at the sofa.

"Shuumei, here's your new assignment." Shuumei turn his head slightly, only to take peak of who is the one that talking to him.

"Ah... Masato huh... new assignment? Already?! Don't wanna!" Shuumei tiredly whines while he buried himself again on the pillow. "I just came back from that long list! Now I have again?! Give it to someone else!"

"Now, now you wouldn't able to get up in rank if you're being lazy!" Masato said with smile that's not reaching his eyes.

"Don't care!"

"Maa, for now read your assignment." Masato suggests as he put the files on the table next to the sofa then left.

After a short while, Shuumei finally have enough energy to take a look at his assignment and read the name of person he will retrieve the soul.

"Miyano Yoshikazu...?"

Shuumei stares at the picture in the file rather intensely, "Yumi..." he softly mumble, then he bit his bottom lip.

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