SasaMyaa #02

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SasaMyaa #02


"Don't let him get away!!!" a police inspector ordered on his lackeys.

They're all in panic, some are already stumbling and no longer can keep up with their last resort plan to arrest the thief that currently soaring through the night sky with his glider.

"What are you all doing?! Hurry up and shoot him!"

'Shoot me?! Such a desperate move Inspector!' The man that everyone called Phantom Thief is barely shocked to hear the order. 'It wasn't like it's my fault that you guys are sucks!' he maneuvers his glider and went away from the glares that send daggers at him.

'This night sucks!' he whined to himself, 'I successfully retrieved the jewel but those desperate cops start using guns on me! What if they accidentally shoot a civilian!' His eyes narrow letting the wind ruin his orange hair, well he cannot do anything about his hair since he is soaring in the sky right now. 'Like I care...' he mutters under his breath, without holding any emotion, but boredom.

'Time to call it quits and go home!' he decided as he let out a sigh, but his supposedly quiet fly has interrupted when his glider got hit by a bullet. 'What?!' quickly his silver eyes that are under his masquerade mask search for the culprit below him and found a young cop with a gun still aiming at him. 'That one?'

"Good job Officer Kagiura!"

'Eh?' The Phantom Thief gets shocked at what he heard... '-that inspector really has fucking loudmouth.' Sweatdrop is on his cheek, but his attention quickly shifted to his flight as he currently falling down!

'Hirano's roommate is freaking scary!' Oh so he gonna complaint it later to 'Hirano'

But first, he must survive this fall.

But how?

His eyes saw a building under him with little adjustment on his direction and he will be able to fall there instead on the ground.

With not-so-swift movement, the Phantom Thief pulls the trigger of his wire gun that he aims at the building's rooftop fence. After the successful feat, he let himself be pulled by the retracting wire thus landing shamefully on the rooftop.

"That's hurt... urgh... everything sucks!" he cursed, still he is thankful that he survived that fall and not fell on his death with his blood and insides splattering on the ground. That's some gruesome death if ever. But still... "It's so fucking suck!"

"The Phantom... Thief...?" He heard a voice, a young boy's voice, it sounded sweet and cute-'Eh? What I am thinking?' The Phantom Thief's mind suddenly felt troubled. Why did a boy's voice suddenly sound cute to him? But then his thoughts immediately chased out from that topic as he realized that there is someone else in that place. Someone who saw him fall shamefully and '-wait! My mask!' quickly he touches his face and sighs in relief when he felt his mask still on.

"I-I have to report this to security!" The mysterious boy that standing not far away from the thief and not far away from the door mutter under his breath not knowing if the Phantom thief ever hears his panic.

The Phantom Thief clicked his tongue, this cutie-'It's not like that!' will be a headache if he let him leave the rooftop. He must silence him. The Phantom Thief as he turns to catch the boy found a short lad with black curly hair already running towards the door.

With long legs The Phantom Thief is able to catch the boy by grabbing his wrist and pulling the boy towards him. The Phantom Thief's eyes widen at the sight of the boy's face.

The boy is obviously shorter than the thief barely reaching his shoulder, and has beautiful wide golden eyes, long eyelashes, and a single mole under his left eye.

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