SasaMyaa# 07

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SasaMyaa# 07


"No!" a firm decision coming from someone important to Miyano. He felt devastated to learn that his father is so against on his relationship with his beloved Senpai. There's part of Miyano that expecting this reaction as he doesn't know what his father's opinion over the topic of gay relationships.

It hurts him so much, knowing his father doesn't like what making him happy, on what making him move forward to the future with his head's up.

What should he do now?

"Break up with him immediately!"

No, Miyano doesn't want to be separated to the person he loves the most. Miyano loves Sasaki so much that... yeah... he has that choice... he will go against his father's wishes, even his father will end up abandoning him.

Miyano Yoshikazu loves his parents, of course and that wouldn't and never be change, but to make a decision to hurt his beloved and himself is something Yoshikazu would never do.

Yoshikazu pledge that he will make Sasaki happy.

But now what he should do?

Can he reach a decision where he won't hurt either side?

Silence is what going between Sasaki and his beloved Myaa-chan.

Miyano just informs Sasaki about his father's reaction concerning their relationship.

It shocks Miyano that his father would against about it, well his father actually stops entering his room after discovering all of his collection of BL Manga. But to be angry to this extend, no one, neither his mom expected it.

"So, Myaa-chan..." Miyano quickly whips his head on his senpai, "What do you wanna do?" Miyano could see worried and sadness on Sasaki's face, of course, neither of them want to obey that demand from his father. "Do you want to break up?"

"I—" Miyano pauses, "don't want at all. I love you, and I know that my feelings for you is real and firm... but, I don't want to hurt my father—but I don't want to be apart from you. So, I—I want to solve this with both sides being happy... but, how can I do that?"

"Myaa-chan..." Miyano looks up at his senpai once again but this time he sees love and adoration coming from the older. "Thank you... and..." Wait—is Sasaki going to let him go? But Miyano just said that he doesn't want to.


"You're not alone in this." Miyano's eyes sparkle, so is his heart, and again fell in love to Sasaki all over again. "I also want to make you happy, to make you unease any burden you'll have. Even if it's within our families. So," Sasaki lace his fingers to Miyano's, until he has firm hold on his hands, he lifted it and kiss it lovingly. "Shall I introduced myself to your father, as someone that will take your hand for marriage?"

It takes time before those words properly process on Miyano's head, that when it finally did it resulted red as tomato face.

As always Sasaki knows how to make him blush, and mess his inside.

Miyano nodded, it might become difficult task, but they get it through together, for sure.

For sure?

Right now, Miyano—Yoshikazu has his heart racing in nervous and fear, sitting on their dining table is him and his senpai and across from them is his father who glaring hole at Sasaki.

Looking at the older man, Sasaki firmly believe now that his Myaa-chan looks are all came from his mother... though—Sasaki is wondering why all of them has same beauty mark under their left eye. As in all of them has single mole on the same place. It is necessary to Miyano kin?

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