SasaMyaa #03

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SasaMyaa #03

Kissing Monster

"For graduating!" Hanzawa leads the celebration raises his cup of alcohol, and everyone follows his sample. "Congratulations! Cheers!" everyone cheers with great enthusiasm and drinks their beverages.

"Great job in your graduation!" Hirano congratulate their former underclassmen.

"Thank you Hirano-senpai!" Kuresawa says his appreciation before sipping more of his alcohol.

"Hmm? Sasaki you still not good with alcohol?" Hanzawa questioned seeing the orange liquid inside Sasaki's cup.

"I don't think I'll be in good terms on it at all." Disappointedly answered by Sasaki.

"While on the other hand, Miyano can really hold his liquor!" Tashiro praised his friend sitting across from him.

"Well, I've like alcohol-flavor treats even when I was a child so I'm fine."

"Hmm? Have you already drunk alcohol before?" Ogasawara curiously asked.


"Calm down Myaa-chan~" Sasaki stops Miyano from keeping depending himself while rubbing his back.

"I think there are things that aren't really going to change."


"The way Sasaki calls Miyano."

"I know what you are saying."

"Tch, thanks to you two, every time I reading my girlfriend's BL Manga, I ended up imagining you two."

"How's that possible? Your girlfriend loves Badboy Uke, how come it remind you of us?"


"It's no longer my problem!"

"Speaking of not changing, Hirano is still punkish as ever."

"That's right! His style never changes."

"What about your relationship with your Kouhai?"

"I won't tell you Fudanshi."

"Ehhh?! Just tiny bit please!"

"No way!"

"It's really bad Miyano couldn't able to meet Hirano-senpai's important Kouhai."

"I actually thankful. You didn't know how worried I am just thinking Miyano would meet my roommate."

"There will be fire for sure."

"That would be really interesting though."

"Not funny, Hanzawa."

"Pfft!" and Hanzawa burst out laughing.

"It's really easy to set him off."

"One of the things that are not changing."

Currently the Senpais set up a congratulatory party for the three kouhai, that also served as reunion for them four in Kaiseki.

They order delicious looking foods, that actually kind of expensive but who cares! This is a rare opportunity to be together again, and this is just fine to just witness how sweet the certain couple is.

Ogasawara keeps pestering Sasaki to drink at least one shot of alcohol but Sasaki refuse as he doesn't really like the taste of it, instead Miyano takes it and easily jut it down, which earns many applauses and cheers from everyone.

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