SasaMyaa #06

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SasaMyaa# 06

A Little Story During Day Off

"I'm so tired..." Miyano whines silently, before letting himself fall on the soft fluffy carpet in his room at his and Sasaki's share apartment.

Being in college is much more tiring than in High School, especially for his course, and sometimes he is questioning why he tackles that course at all.

Sighs escape from his mouth, he has no energy to continue his work, nor even the energy to get up from his position. It's a good thing Sasaki bought this carpet for him, or else he definitely feels the cold and hard floor instead.

It's kind of lonely being alone in their shared apartment, well, it's no use to complain about that, their day off isn't even a match. At least Sasaki's class is only half a day, only in the morning, he'll come home soon. Miyano thinks he should prepare something for his senpai but "Urgh..." his body isn't listening to him.

His golden-colored eyes fall into his clock sitting on his bedside table, 10:17 am, three hours more before he could see his boyfriend again.

It's still morning, and yet Miyano is already tired from working on his class work. Well, he has been working on it since last night without sleep, that's why he no longer has energy left.

Yet he wanted to do something that could make Sasaki happy, "I wonder if there's an energy drink in the ref..." he mumbles but felt slumped after remembering that they're actually out of energy drinks. He needs energy now... maybe he could have if he takes a nap for at least an hour.

The door opens by a certain person who quickly found Miyano sleeping peacefully on the carpet. The person's mouth opens a little bit, then closes it, he blinks before a smile makes its way on his face.

With silent steps, the person strolls toward Miyano and slowly tries to reach him, then patted Miyano's cheek, carefully not to wake the lad.

"The carpet isn't used for taking naps, Myaa-chan~" Sasaki softly mumbles. "I'm home."

"Welcome home Shuumei-san..."

"Hm?" Sasaki halted all his movement and glanced at his still sleeping boyfriend.

A fond smile appears on Sasaki, it's obvious that Miyano is waiting for him to come home, but he stayed up late resulting in this situation. Miyano probably just meant to take a short nap but ended up sleeping for hours.

His hand brushes Miyano's hair softly.

Sasaki stand up and left the room, but after several minutes he came back already changed clothes.

Light as a feather and as ever, Sasaki easily scoop up his boyfriend to make him sit, carefully, making sure he won't wake up, then Sasaki sat behind Miyano, pulls him between his legs, and lays Miyano's head on his chest. Softly Sasaki brushes again Miyano's fluffy soft hair, rubbing circles on Miyano's slender arms.

This kind of moment with his Myaa-chan is really nice, totally different from when he is alone.

Sasaki embraces the lad in his arms, and gently kisses atop his head, tenderly. "Myaa-chan, I love you, so much!"

His eyelids flutter open and slowly take in his surroundings until his golden orbs found their way where his clock. 4:00 pm.


Miyano jolts up after realizing he has been sleeping for many hours, "Sasaki-san—" he was about to stand up to look for his boyfriend but halted after noticing he is sitting between long legs. He turns and finds his senpai peacefully sleeping... "A! Ahhhh!" he softly mutters.

Miyano traces Sasaki's cheek with his fingers, then it went to his orange-colored hair which he deems really soft and then falls onto his lips, an affectionate smile arose on Miyano's face.

Since Sasaki won't wake up any time soon, Miyano let himself fall into Sasaki's arms again, and feel this precious moment with his significant other.

Thanking God for giving him the most beautiful treasure.

"I love you so much Shuumei-san!"

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