Chapter Five - Dark Fortune

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You and Akiyasu were surrounded by wraths. He soon pulled out a tailsman and yelled "Kiyu no  kujustsu" and just like that the wrath in front of you vanished. You copied this and yelled while holding your Kagagura bell wand and all the wraths round you disappeared. Aki was astonished by my power and remarked a simple "wow".

Akiyasu turned towards you and bombarded you with questions."How'd you do that?" "Are your parents Onmyojis?" "Are you single?" "Do you know any advanced spells ?" He went on so fast that you failed to comprehend what he was saying. You were snapped back to reality by Aki shaking you slightly before offering to take you home since the sun had already set. He walked you home once more and upon reaching your gate you asked him.

"How'd you know where I live?"

He froze at the question and confessed. " I um I kinda sent my familiar to watch you walk home the first time we met." You stood there in shock as he continued "Ah-h not in a stalker way just to make sure your safe since the government hates Onmyojis." You breathed a breath of relief at his answer and mumbled a simple thank you to the black and white haired male. You still had an uneasy feeling despite the males comforting aura.

You return to your humble home to see a note from your father. It read
' Gone to bed hun, I'll be up early tomorrow as I have some errands to run' you sighed. 'Damn this job is not cut out for me if dad's always running to foreign places to gather antiques.' You head towards your room to see Nachi sleeping on your futon in cat form of course. You woke up to the sound of a bird's wings flapping by your porch. You went out to see Aki's white egret on your porch. It handed you a paper and disintegrated into thin air. Yes that's how they work.
The note read
'Mornin' (Y/n) due to the wrath attacks the army has increased patrol hours meaning I won't be able to see you tonight. I truly am sorry
Your Aki '

'Ah bummer I really wanted to train with him. Anyways I should head to Raccord like Toichiro said.' As I arrived I was welcomed by a cute girl with lavender hair and green eyes she was pretty flat chested tho. She greeted me with a stutter as she showed me inside. I walked past certain table to see the guy from the book store he was with a jolly looking fellow, suddenly I was attacked and held in a bear hug by the jolly fellow.
" Ah-h Kuro you shouldn't hug random ppl without there consent." The guy from the book store said while blushing. "C'mon Gin Gin they like it plus their super cute" the jolly fellow said as he squeezed me.The door then opened and out came...

You still here?

Koga and Kuya.

They walked and laughed at the scene before them. I was having the life squeezed out of me by a guy I didn't even know. They came towards us and separated us. Koga spoke up first
" (Y/n) I see you've met Kuro." You shook your head slightly to indicate that you hadn't. He simply sighed and soon burst out laughing while Kuya spoke up " Typical Kuro hugging randoms." He said giving out a yawn after. He then asked Koga if he could go home to take a nap but Koga simply shook his head and said "Now that were all here we can get down to business." You then spoke " But Toichiro and Shizuki aren't here." "They aren't coming," he said blankly "they had a gala to attend." That's when you remembered that Toichiro was the head of the house of Yuri basically a rich assthat in the eyes of most ppl

"Aoi, Oji please come sit we need to introduce you to (y/n)." The girl from before came towards you and a sleezy old man who had a cigar in his hand walked over. You then said to Aoi " Hey you're the girl who greeted me right?" The room fell silent at your statement the Aoi spoke up...

"I'm a boy."

You were shocked at his statement while everyone else burst out laughing even Kuya who was on the verge of falling asleep. You felt so embarrassed that you hadn't realized it before but now it explains why he was so flat chested. "Ok ok laughs aside we assume you came for business (Y/n)" Koga asked and you nodded and he introduced you to his friends the guy from the book store was Ginnojo, the jolly fellow was Kuro, the gir-- boy with purple hair was Aoi and the old guy was Oji. They were all ayakashi. And went you went closer towards Aoi bells chimed in your ears as well as when you approached Ginnojo. They were two other ayakashi you had to form bonds with now only one was left to find.After getting to know them better you departed from Raccord and headed towards the only person you could gossip with your bff.

Your bff is one of my ocs please do not claim her as yours ok?
If your wondering destine is the city fortune teller and is known for being highly accurate.

I headed over to her shop as around this time she was never busy. I opened the door to see my bff looking into hear crystal cube. "Destine!!!" I yelled as I hugged my bff. "Gurl I have sooo much to tell you." She responded simply with an I know. We talked about my current situation for a while and then I asked her if she could possibly tell me my fortune. "Are you gonna pay me?" She asked while giving me a mischievous grin. I said nothing and she quickly responded " Cheap as ever I see." I rolled my eyes and asked once more if she tell me my fortune and she nodded. I watched as she waved her midly tan hands wave over the cube. She wore  scarlet fingerless gloves and had coal black long hair with her blond bangs Infront and her scarlet highlights. Her scarlet eyes glowed as well as the six hearts on her cheeks. She had three on the left and three on her right. Her appearance would make anyone think she was an alien but the citizens shook this off as they believed it was the work of the ancestors to make her look like this so people would be aware of her talents.

She stared deeper into the cube before looking up at me and then spoke "(Y/n) if your ever in deep trouble yell my name at the top of your lungs ok?" "Ok." I said bluntly
"Look (y/n) I'm your best friend I'm always gonna be worried about you and seeing the path the universe has chosen for you I can't help but be concerned." She stated her eyes only showing compassion. I gave her a nod and ran home.

??? Pov

" A fortun' teller ay' that could be a problem in the future."

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