Chapter seven - Imperial assistance

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I look back at Nachi before looking at the twins. Yura's previous statement came back into account he was a more than a thousand years old you thought as well as Gaku since they're twins after all.

Yura proceeds " Dear Onmyoji, I fear you are in great danger." He pauses "The government has been informed about your abilities and most probably on the look out for you." You froze. Gaku added on "It's not safe to go outward as you just attempted." 'What?' you thought to yourself once more.

Time skip

*At Raccord*

You were meeting with the guys to explain what happened. When all the the guys were assembled you saw the faint glow of the necks of ......





and last but not least


The boys all gapped in amazement. "It seems you have met all your bonded Ayakashi." Toichiro said in a certain tone, you couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or genuine. As if on cue Raccord got bombarded by tons of Imperial soliders.

They dragged  you out of Raccord and shoved you and the ayakashi in a carriage and off you went to an unknown location. You soon found yourself in the office of Kyonusuke. The Onikiri assault force general. He was basically the right hand man of the general. He then greeted you and your friends "Ah (Y/n) I've been expecting you, I would like to cut to straight to business." He took a short pause before speaking up " I have a preposition for you." "Continue" you said narrowing your eyes. " I want you to work as a government sanctioned Onmyoji." You asked why still narrowing your eyes. "Simple, The type of threat affecting the capital is not  one we cannot solve alone." He continues "We need your kind of spiritual power " Koga wildly shook his head and highly protested the idea. He HATED the government. They did kill his parents after all.

You stood there for a bit, contemplating whether to go through with the decision or not. After a while you walked toward the general "we'll do it!" You said with stars in your eyes.
'Its finally time to show the world my Onmyoji skills and my capabilities.' you thought.

After leaving the imperial base, you were walking back towards your place when Koga spoke " I get that the capital is in your hands (Y/n) but couldn't we do this without assisting the army?" You could hear the disappointment in his voice. "We can only do so much alone, Koga"Ginnojo responded before you could even say anything.

Once you arrived home you and the Gus started to plan the patrol schedule. Here's how it is :

This isn't the real schedule it just one I thought of to help the plot.

Monday : Ginnojo and Aoi and you.
Tuesday: Koga and Yura
Wednesday: Nachi, Gaku and you
Thursday: Kuya and Koga
Friday: You, Koga and Nachi
Weekends: Random

Once the schedule was decided everyone left, it twas night after all. Yura, Gaku and Nachi had all gone to bed but you couldn't sleep. You decided to talk to your one and only Onmyoji friend 'Aki'.  You headed for the Gokuoji temple and just as suspected the dual haired boy sat on the ground surrounded by Sakura blossoms. You had to admit the scene was beautiful but you wondered were the blossoms came from ad their were no Sakura trees by the temple.

Akiyasu's pov

'It's been awhile since I've seen (Y/n). I hope they didn't forget about me.'

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