Chapter Thirteen - Confrontation (I)

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It was time, the night I dreaded the most approached. Aki said he would come for me tonight but little did he know we had a plan for him.

Akiyasu's pov

It's been a while since I've seen my dearest (Y/n), I assume that they have been coming up with a plan to stop me. As if that would work (Y/n) should just accept the fact that their mind, soul and body is mine.

Your pov

I headed over to my best friend's shop, I figured that some advice before my battle would be necessary and she is a frickin fortune teller.

"Destineeee! I'm here~!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Yeah, I know I know." She said

"Come for battle strats?" 'Damn she's good' "Kinda, yeah," I said sheepishly. "Well you've come to ze right place!" .

We discussed some battle strats for a while. Everything was going fine until a large wave of negative energy blasted through the capital.

"Seems he's already started his plan." Destine said. I quickly ran out and met up with the guys.

"Dear Onmyoji are you ready for this?" Yura asked

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We then departed northwards to the Masakado's shrine. And just as I thought he was there.

Akiyasu's fit real quick

He was smirking evilly, he then spoke up "Tsk, tsk

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He was smirking evilly, he then spoke up
"Tsk, tsk. My dear (Y/n) didn't I tell you that I'd come get you~?"
He was obviously trying to provoke me but I remained calm.

"Aki-- Akiyasu, I'm here to stop you and your corrupt ideals!" I don't what held me back but I could feel a heavy force on my shoulders.

"My~ My~ my dearest has quite the guts. Don't you think?" Akiyasu playfully asked my comrades.

"Oi, don't even start that BS you creep!" Aoi yelled.

"We'll do whatever it takes to protect (Y/n) from you and your nasty plots!"Koga said.

Akiyasu's pov

"Didn't I tell you (Y/n)? You're mine." Just then a silk web wrapped round them. I could see Kagemaru smirking in the distance but I couldn't care less.

All I carried about was executing my plan.

And as if on cue, hordes of wraiths appeared. I could feel the negative energy oozing off if them. It was funny, it felt highly similar to my own.

The five ayakashi tried to fend off the wraiths, it was truly pathetic. It took them a while to realize they couldn't do it without them.

Koga then leaped forward to try and cut the silk that was around my Onmyoji. I quickly yanked on the web giving the signal to Kagemaru.

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