chapter 16

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tati's pov:

last night was hella fun. me, ramell, tasharn and miyah went on a double date to the cinema and watched spider man no way home. that movie was actually kinda sad. like how is everyone gonna forget peter parker. but after we watched the movie the boys had reservations at this beautiful resturant and spoiled me and miyah. i felt so loved bro. after that we came home and miyah and tash went to his room and me and ramell went to my room and just spoke a lot. for like an hour and a half. since me and ramell got together, we always have these really deep conversations they are so cute and they never get awkward because there is always something for us to speak about. eventually he fell asleep with his head on my stomach and i just took that as my chance to just stare at him and apprieciate that i was given such an amazing and handsome boyfriend.

anyways i get up out of bed and slowly move ramells head from my stomach since he was still sleeping. i went into the bathroom and did the usual thrn came out in my towel to go and get my clothes to see ramell hd woken up and was now on his phone. it was about 7:45 so miyah and tash were still sleeping since i know they had a late night yesterday...eww because why could i actually hear them. "morning handsome" i say to ramell

"morning beautiful" he says back to me. this has become our new routine when he wakes up he says that to me and when i wake up i say what i said to him. we practically live together since mum and dad usually stay at uncle marnz and aunt rh'eas. they were here yesterday but are gone again. "come here" he tells me

"lemme put on my clothes real quick" i say to him as i walk towards my closet. i get out grey leggins and a black crop top. if u havent already noticed i love the colour grey on me and i love my crop tops. anyways i walk over to ramell hug him then try to walk off.

"come back tati" he whines

"no go brush ur teeth im gonna go make breakfast" i tell him as i leave the room to go downstairs. i go downstairs and make scrambled eggs with two sausages. by the time in finished making the food ramell still hadn't come down so i went up stairs to make sure he didn't die. i found him laying on the edge of the bed sleeping. thats his own lemme go eat my food.

i ate my food and after i finshed all the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen ramell came downstairs all dressed up and everything. " where you going..?" i ask him. as soon as i finish my sentence i hear screaming and things being thrown around. "what the fuck is that" i say as i dry my hands. ramell just shrugs as he walks towards the stairs.

" yo tash whats wrong going on bro" ramell says as he gets to the top of the stairs and sees miyah sitting in the corner.

ramell's pov:

i get to the top of the stair and see my sister in the corner crying...what the fuck happened. "your sister has other niggas belling up her line on about 'yo baby girl'. do i have mug writen on my forehead." tash shouts

"i don't know them i promise, some guy was following me home and would leave me alone unless i gave him my number" ramiyah cries as tati rubs her shoulder trying to get her to stop crying. all this drama for what i was gonna take tiya shopping but i cant leave these two here alone because temper will actuallt kill her...thats why his tag is temper this nigga has no paitience.

"stop fucking lying ramiyah...if it was one guy i would understand but theres multiple" tash says with so much hurt in his voice. he's never been in a proper relationship before so when he finally gave someone his 100% attention and trust it just hirts him even more. " i can't believe you, i would have never expected you to cheat..." he says as he walks to his room with his head hung low.

" tahs you need to hear her out" tati shouts

"its no use once he has decided he doesn't trust me then that's it" ramiyah says as she cries even more. i can't lie i was so confused for so many different reasons.

tash's pov:

im so hurt right now..ramiyah cheated..on me, thats mad. i dont even know how to feel like im upset and angry all at once. i wanna hear her out but im scared that ive accused her and that she honestly didnt do anything. im not good with this relationship shit man. thats when someone knocks on my door "go away" i shout before i even know who it is.. i just wanna be alone to be honest.

"tash its me tati" she says as she opens my room and comes to sit next to me on my bed. "tasharn do you actually believe that ramiyah would cheat on on a real ting that girl loves you with all that shes got and she would never do anything to jepordize that..stop being an idiot and hear her out. im with her sometimes when guys are so persistant on getting her number and she has no choice but to guve it to them.. you must have seen someome who she hadnt had the chance to block yet." she tells me and if it is true i feel so fucking shit. what the fuck is wrong with me man.

"i'm not good at this relationship stuff tati" i break down in tears. im actually crying. i literally never cry like ever. i think im inlove...and i've just fucked it all up. "what do i do man" i say as i cry into her shoulder. she just rubs my back for a bit

"just speak to her im sure she will understand but dont ever jump to conclusions again tasharn." she says to me sternly. me and tati just stay like for a while with me just crying and telling her whats been going through my mind lately and her just listerning to me. this is why i love her man like we have our moments where all we do is argue and shit but we are there for each other when we need to be.

ramell's pov:

its been like an hour since tati went into tashs room to check on him. ive just been sitting here with malakai, micheal and ramiyah. the guys came cause i thought tash was gonna kill somebody and that somebody wasnt gonna be me. ramiyah has been just been crying and repeating "why wont he believe me". i feel so bad for her man cause i genuinly believe her and that she didn't cheat on him.

" its ok baby, he'll come around sooner or later and if he doesnt its his loss" micheal says as he comforts her. me and malakai go to the living room and just talk about what happened cause that shit was crazy.

"temper was out of order tho for jumping to conclusions like that" malakai says as we sit down

"yh but be real malakai if you was with a girl and you see other guys calling her up you would get pussed off because the one time you trust someone they break that trust." i say to him trying to understand where tasharn was coming from

"yh but he could have asked her before screaming at her and making her cry" malakai says and i just nod because i understand both povs. we just chill for a bit and play fifa on tasharns ps4 thats downstairs.

40 mintutes later...

ramiyah's pov:

i actually hate my fucking life man. how is tasharn gonna wake me up by screaming and saying that im fucking cheating on him...i didn't cheat. lemme explain what happened. i was walking to the corner shop and some guy came up to me and asked me how old i was. obviously i said i was 16 just to make it seem like im a minor aand i tried to walk away. he followed me into the shop wait for me to get what i needed then when i left he asked me for my number and i said no i have a boyfriend. then i started to walk faster, how is this nigga gonna grab my arm and tell me 'give me your number'. so at that point i just gave it to him because i was scared and he even called it and everything to make sure i gave him my actual number and then when i got home he never called so i assumed he just left it. this happened like three days ago and then he messaged me this morning on about 'hey baby girl' and yh thats it.

me and micheal have just been sitting in tati's room in silence. theres not much for us to do like today has just gone downhill and i know this has ruind plans. ramell was telling me how he wanted to take tati out shopping and just treat her to a day out but no me and tash ruined that for them and i feel kinda bad. "miyah you need to stop overthinking it man" micheal tells me as he can see i look so bothered.

"you dont even understand just hurts you know" i say to him in a low tone. after like another 5 minutes of silence someone knocks on the door. theres a part of me that hopes its tasharn but theres a bigger part of me that doesn't want to speak to him right now. "you can enter" i shout. the door opens and i see tasharn standing there

"can we speak" he says to me in a hopeful voice. i just get up and follow him to his room and we speak...

tati's pov:

tasharn and ramiyah spoke and they sorted out their problems. today was just a long day for no reason man i was planning on binge watching greys anotomy all day but i guess that idea went down the drain.

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