My Boxer (S.J)

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Requested by Superflash2255

Scarlett's pov

I was in the crowd watching Y/N's fight. It was the championship fight and he was 4 rounds in. I could see the blood dripping with the sweat on the canvas. The swings of his that his opponent dodged and the yelling of his coach. His opponent was just as beat up as he was. Y/N took a hook to the cheek and he upper cut his opponents jaw knocking him down.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. We have are new Champion." The ref shouted as he held Y/N's hand up high. Y/N smiled brightly as his coach joined him and patted his back in congratulations.

"YES THAT'S MY MAN!!" I shouted as I jumped up and clapped for him wearing a proud smile on my face. I decided to meet him in the locker room. As soon as he saw me approach him he smiled brightly. I immediately kissed him passionately. "I am so so proud of you." I whispered softly to him

"That win was for you princess." He said as he cupped my cheek. We both walked out to our car hand in hand. "You will have to drive." He told me as he gave me the keys and opened the door for me. Once he was set and strapped in I started our journey home. Once we were inside we were bombarded by the guys.

"That was an awesone fight Y/N!!" Robbie shouted as he hugged him.

"We should go out and celebrate." Chris said with a smirk.

"Not tonight. I am tired and beat literally." Y/N smiled as he took his jacket off.

"What about Friday? We need to celebrate this." Robert suggested.

"Friday night but tonight I just want to relax with my princess." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I gave him a quick peck before we said our goodbyes to everyone. When everyone had left he slumped down on the sofa and held his arms open for me.

"Thank you for being there tonight." He whispered as he kissed my head as I lay on his chest 

"I will always be there to support you baby." I told him as I looked at him. "But he really did a number on you." I smirked making him laugh

"Thanks?" He said with a smile and a raised brow.

"Anytime baby." I said as I kissed him before laying on his chest again. Moments like these really make you think about how wonderful life can be if you spend it with the right people. And I have found my soulmate in Y/N.

Over the next few days consisted of Y/N resting and getting his strength back. I was currently cooking some breakfast for the both of us while he is on a run. Even though I have told him to take it easy.

"Hey princess." He greeted me as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby. You need to shower." I told him as I finished cooking.

"Oh come on. I'm hungry." He moaned making me laugh.

"Shower and then eat." I told him sternly. I smiled as he huffed and walked upstairs.

"Do we really have to go out tonight?" He whined as he sat beside me at the island to eat.

"Yes we do. Your friends want to celebrate your win with you." I told him sternly.

"Fine." He said before he pointed his finger at me. "But I won't be happy about it."

"I expect nothing less." I smiled as I pressed a quick kiss to his lips before we spent the rest of the day cuddling before we got ready to meet everyone at the club.

"Here's the champion!!" The boys shouted as they spotted Y/N and I walking towards them.

"Please keep it down. We don't need the paps on us tonight." I told them sternly as they all looked like children getting told off.

"Let's get a drink my love." Y/N whispered in my ear and I just nodded as I walked with him to the bar. When we joined everyone again Y/N was chatting with the boys as I sat with Lizzie and Flo.

"So how does it feel to be with a champion?" Flo asked wriggling her eyebrows.

"I honestly feel the same. I am so proud of him though. He trained and fought hard for that title and to be by his side while achieving it is absolutely amazing." I smiled brightly as I admired the man that I am so lucky to call mine.

"Let's dance and leave all of this testosterone." Lizzie said as she dragged the two of us to the dancefloor.

"You do realize that your fiance is among them." I smirked at her.

"Eh." She shrugged making Flo and I laugh.

"Is that Scarlett?" I heard the voice of a man I didn't want to remember.

"What do you want Jason?" I asked him coldly as I stayed by Lizzie.

"How are you?" He asked me with a smile.

"I'm fine." I told him bluntly already done with this conversation.

"I hear your with Y/N Y/L/N. How did that happen?" He laughed as I glared at him.

"That is none of your business." I growled at him.

"You know I am so much better than him." He said through gritted teeth. "He only won that on a fluke." He said as he gripped my arm.

"Let go of me." I asked him angrily.

"Not until you realise that he is wrong for you." He seethed as his grip tightened.

"Get off of her." I heard Y/N as I saw his wrist gripped Jason's forearm harshly making his grip loosen on my arm. "Don't you ever go near her again."

"You're nothing but a bug waiting to be squashed and that is what I am going to do and take that title from you as well as your woman." Jason seethed as he got in Y/N's face.

"Try it. You can have the title. I don't care about that but the moment you refer to Scarlett as an object to be won you will regret that so much." Y/N said angrily as he balled up his fists.

"That's all these women are, they're existence is only for mans amusement." He smirked as I watched Y/N throw a punch and Jason fall to the floor not expecting it.

"That is were you are wrong. They exist to make us better men. They are the true reason why society thrives today. They should be worshipped not objectified." Y/N told him as he hovered over him.

"Come on baby. Let's go." I said to Y/N softly as I grabbed his arm softly. He looked at me softly before wrapping a protective arm around me before leading me to our friends.

"That was so cool Y/N." Robbie beamed earning a slap off Lizzie.

"I am marrying a literal child. Can we swap men Scar?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Nope. I am keeping this one all to myself." I smiled as I kissed his cheek before he pressed a gentle kiss my lips. "My boxer." I smiled at him which he returned just as bright.

I'm sorry i havent updated this book in so long. But i am trying to do it all. Dont worry i will get to everyones requests but please be patient with me. Love you awesome people

Scarlett Johansson/ Natasha Romanoff one shotWhere stories live. Discover now