You Fucked My Daughter (N.R)

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Requested by Superflash2255

Smut Warning

Y/N pov

I was a part of the Avengers since Nick recruited me after I left the Army. I always admired the Avengers for what they did. Nat gave me a more advanced training in hand to hand combat since I already knew how to use weapons. Truth be told, even when I was in high school, I had the biggest crush on her. And I still do. So right now I am working on my dad's newest suit with him while we wait for most of the others to come back from their mission. So it's only myself, my dad, Wanda and Vision left in the compound. And no one wants to be around them two with their sappy mind stone connection.

"Hey kid, I'm thinking of throwing a party tomorrow." He told me.

"What time do I have to be there?" I asked him.

"I haven't decided yet if were having one yet." He told me makingme laugh.

"You saying that you're thinking about throwing one is you saying that you have already thought about it and have decided to throw one." I told him.

"Well ok then. Be there at 8pm." He told me with a smirk. I decided to go and do some training to pass some time using the training bots that dad had programmed for us.

"Hey Y/N, you need a sparring partner?" Wanda asked as she walked in the training.

"Yeah, no powers though." I warned her playfully.

"Where's the fun in that then." She challenged me. We both walked onto the mats and started to spar. She threw some punches which I had managed to dodge.

"You need to watch your opponent Wanda. Anticipate their next move." I informed her as I pinned her to the floor.

"I don't need this training though since I have powers." She told me

"There will always be a time when you need to know how to fight without them. There will always be someone with the technology to mute your powers and then you will be a sitting duck." I told her as I helped her to her feet.

"The only person I know smart enough for that is your dad." She told me as we started to spar again.

"There will always be someone who is on his level of intellect or higher." I told her as I dodged her advance at me and held her in the headlock. She tapped my arm signalling for me to release her.

"You sound so much like Vis." She whined at me as we both sat down and drank some water.

"Well he is a synthezoid that my dad created so. And I obviously got my genius from him." I shrugged making her chuckle.

"You are definitely a Stark." She laughed as we both stretched. We both decided to call it a day and get showered and ready for the party my dad is throwing tonight. I decided on wearing a red shirt with a black tie and black slacks. I brushed my hair back in a high pony and was ready for the party. I met Wanda on the way out of my room wearing a green dress that matched her eyes.

"You look beautiful Wands. Vision is one lucky...." I paused as I tried to think of what to call him. "I want to say man but then again I don't know." I teased earning a slap on my arm and a giggle from the witch.

"And you look dashing. Nat is going to go wild." She told me with a smirk making me blush. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She said as we walked with our arms linked to the party. When we arrived we went straight to the bar to order our drinks. "I'm going to see Vis." She told me as she kissed my cheek. I looked around the sea of bodies moving trying to find a certain red head but came to no avail.

Scarlett Johansson/ Natasha Romanoff one shotWhere stories live. Discover now