Chapter 11: (delicious) Distractions

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The (probably not stress) baking helps Izuku find his inner peace. He slouches comfortably on his couch with a plate of buttery heaven and a cup of coffee to do a bit of work. He taps into his inbox and skims the new messages for anything interesting.

He sees a few of the usual notifications from job boards he's subscribed to, as well as a few notices about cases that have third-party consultation requests attached. There's one outlier, though: a message from someone's work address instead of the automated mailers that he normally gets.

He's seen a few like this recently, requests to meet in-person for a debrief on a consultation he'd done three months ago, now. He's not sure what they want, but his reporting is solid, and until they prove otherwise, he can't and won't discuss further.

He likes helping the police and hero agencies, but his setup sometimes feels like it's on a razor-thin edge, at risk to fall apart if he reveals too much. So he doesn't, and turns down every request to meet in-person.

(There are too many quirks both known and unknown that could ruin everything.)

This newest email doesn't have the same message he's expecting to see.

It doesn't request a meeting. It simply states that if he has any new leads on cases, something interesting or off the wall that doesn't necessarily have a report or case number attached, to send it their way. They'd be happy to provide in-person legwork in exchange for his intuition.

The tone is a little strange. It's hard to be certain from just words on a screen, but it reads just a little bit desperate.

He's probably imagining things, though, and the offer makes him smile. He enjoys feeling appreciated and useful. He flags the investigator for potential follow-up.

Maybe he'll find something worth looking into.

By the time night falls, Izuku's feeling a little stir-crazy. He puts on some running gear and loads a route randomizer on his phone. He straps the phone and his EDD to his left arm before leaving the apartment.

He stretches outside under a flickering city light and breathes in the cool air of evening. It feels good to get out like this.

His phone directs him down a variety of streets he hasn't seen in a while. The pleasure of new mixes with forgotten familiarity as he jogs at a nice pace. Colorfully illuminated storefronts and blinking traffic lights break up the plain monotony of the pale yellow lamp posts, brightening the shadows of his route.

He slows at a wide intersection that's several lanes across with enough space for a row of trees.

It's been a long time since he's been to this intersection, and he jogs in place while he takes a quick look around. The businesses have brightly lit displays even this late at night, and he's a little surprised to spot several couples walking side-by-side, coming or going with bags of takeout or shopping from an evening of browsing the local stores. The somewhat busy street makes more sense when he remembers that there are a few bars still open in the area.

Just as he's about to take off running down the next street on his route, he notices a flash of very familiar purple under a painfully bright store sign a few blocks away.

He blinks in surprise, then brightens with enthusiasm. What luck to run into him, of all people!

He jogs quickly to catch up. As the few couples on the main road vanish from sight, he calls out a cheerful, "Hey, Murasaki!"

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now