Chapter 23: Calm (before the storm)

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Izuku can't remember ever feeling so guilty. Not when he accidentally flushed his (former) best friend's favorite toy down the toilet, or when he slipped and dropped (and shattered) his mother's favorite tea pot.

The investigator hasn't replied to his message, but that's fine.

They might just be busy catching an evasive criminal.

(It's fine.)

Murasaki hasn't texted him all morning, but that's fine, too.

He said he'd be busy with something until late.

(It's ... probably fine.)

(There's a small chance Murasaki will not come home.)

He picks at his snack and sighs into his coffee, feeling like an asshole. He can't even find joy in people-watching at the café window.

Something walks past the window with a hint of violet. Izuku startles to attention, searching for where he'd seen the color.

Some woman walks down the street with a scarf looped around her neck in a pretty shade of purple. Izuku feels a lump in his throat. Is he going to be stuck here for the next several days, staring at everyone that walks by until his friend comes home, safe and sound? He's never regretted submitting a report as much as he does in this moment.

He dips a spoon into his mug and swirls the cooled drink, watching the creamy eddies flow with detached interest. More purple appears in the corner of his eye, and he flicks his gaze up to see Murasaki waving at him through the glass.

He nearly falls off of his seat.


Calm, it's okay.

Nothing happened.

Don't make a scene.

It's fine.

It's really fine.

(For now.)

Murasaki's delightful distractions pull his thoughts away from the guilt for a little while, but they eventually part ways. Izuku curls into bed with his hands wrapped tightly around his laptop.

He's waiting for a notification that may never come. Most of his reports don't ever have any kind of success thank-you note after the fact.

Just radio silence until they need something else from him.

He wants to sneak next door and hang out like nothing's wrong, just to see for himself that everything's fine. Or so he can face Murasaki when the betrayal comes knocking with a warrant.

The anxiety eats at him through the long hours of evening, but he hears nothing, no banging doors, no shouts of police!

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now