Chapter 22: Plans (oftentimes go awry)

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Midori has a conundrum that makes little sense to Hitoshi.

He's stuck between two job offers, doing the same thing for different sides. The side of what? Local versus Another Country? Community versus Corporation? Good versus Evil?

What kinds of jobs could conflict so badly that wildly differing payouts on a similar task would garner different kinds of interest?

His thoughts are that any normal employer willing to pay top dollar for services might be desperate. Whether it's just desperate for someone able to do the job well, desperate for someone willing to bend the rules, or something else, it's hard for Hitoshi to guess.

Midori has intriguing ideas about legality of work in general, though, and Hitoshi is struck by the sudden thought that this man has a knack for thinking outside the box.

And he absolutely doesn't want to follow that line of thought right now, not this close to their big bust. The vaguely sinking suspicion that Midori might know (or is) the person they're looking for nudges at him incessantly, but he hasn't seen any concrete proof. He has no known acquaintances. His devices have yet to connect to the café router. He doesn't seem to do anything online while he's in the café. It could be nothing. (It could be everything.)

But their conversation shifts into a fun bit about vacationing, and the thought of sunny beaches and cool drinks alongside his new friend-but-maybe-something-more brings his thoughts around to dozens of glowing, warm maybes.

He's being a little irresponsible in regards to the mission.

He likes to trust his gut, though.

And his gut says this one's a keeper.

(But if Midori's somehow working with or for the bad guys to collect a massive paycheck, then how is he going to keep him?)

On Wednesday morning as he's heading to the agency for their big mission brief, he spots another community outreach group that has set up an information booth with free drinks and snacks on a normally empty street corner. He stops by the display, looking over the pamphlets with interest.

This might be exactly the sort of thing Midori needs to see, if he's having trouble with staying on the right side of the law due to whatever circumstances might be affecting his life.

"Good job with this program," he comments to the person standing with the display. "I'll take a few to pass around at work," he says. And maybe leave one where Midori can see, he thinks.

He really hopes Midori doesn't need anything like this in his life, but having more options is better than having few (or none).

The agency is busier than usual as he strolls in and makes his way to the conference room. His boss is already there along with one of the heroes that normally walks the publicly visible daytime routes. This mission is expected to take place late in the evening when fewer civilians will be at risk of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but they'll have everyone available to help bring the case to a close.

The group they're planning on taking down is rapidly gaining notoriety, with a vast collection of assets and a few high-profile targets. They have solid intel that the group's primary hideout is currently occupied by a high-level captain and two lieutenants, and the hand-off that should occur late Friday evening will contain both a cache of weapons and a shipment of volatile drugs that they'd very much like to keep off the streets.

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