Chapter 29: Never The End (is never the end is)

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Izuku has So. Many. Questions.

Even being fully aware that the villain has a knife and is very upset with him doesn't do much to stem the tide that comes rolling out of his mouth.

He probably would have been a bit more cautious, but it's either talk or laugh when he sees the sheer bafflement on the villain's face as he fails to succumb to Hypnotize.

Questions about its use, its range, its limitations, speculations on weaknesses or how to implement it in rescue scenarios, alternate applications and methods of employment come flying out of Izuku's mouth like a literary machine gun. The weird similarities to the villain he'd been trying to track down and the fascinating coincidences that led him to finding an obscure link in the middle of nowhere, instead.

(shit, oversharing again-)

He'd be surprised if the guy can understand half of what he's muttering about, but it doesn't stop. He just lets him ramble with his mouth slack, like he's unable to look away from a strange display at a museum of oddities.

At some point in his diatribe, it becomes mindless recitation of facts related to historical usage of hypnosis alongside studies of theoretical application, because the rest of Izuku's thought process has shifted into coming up with a plan for escape.

If this guy can't keep him under tight and easy control like his other two minions, then he has a very real chance to get away.

Step 1. Cuffs.

Step 2. Disarm and Disable.

Step 3. Run.

He has tiny, pointy objects in his hair. The three in the room don't look very tough. And he can run for days. (Well, miles, but close enough.) The only problem is that the villain doesn't seem too interested in letting Izuku out of his sight any time soon (and Minion #1 still has hold of his hair. Why??).

His plans shift again once the villain has Minion #2 go through his backpack and they find his laptop.

Step 1. Panic.

He has so much dangerous information stored on his hard drive. Company weaknesses. Hero weaknesses. Everything he's picked apart to put back together into meaningful, helpful analysis, could easily be twisted and turned against everyone and everything that's ever held his interest.

His muttering stream of consciousness is now directed at the hacker minion, as he verbally dissects their quirk and they can't even hear him. Tiny yellow sparks emit from the tip of their right pinky every time they hit the enter key on his laptop, and he's willing to bet they're using a technology interface to push commands through any safety measures the laptop has in place to keep people out.

As soon as they start reciting his folder structure and document titles, he feels a swell of unbridled outrage. No one has ever gone through his stuff like this before.

The front door creaks, and Izuku's muttering cuts off with wary apprehension.

The villain holds up a finger, and the hacker trails off, though they continue to type and click at a feverish rate.

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now