Chapter 18: (emotional rollercoaster) Inching Upwards

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Hitoshi stumbles back into his apartment, relieved and angry with himself that he'd been so damned worried. He's still worried, and will probably continue to be worried until Midori is within reach, but he's feeling a sharp pain in his chest that he doesn't like to think about.

His phone pings again, and he picks it up with a sudden excitement that he might read something else from his friend.

His smile immediately falls upon seeing it's from his boss.

> Come in tomorrow when you get a chance.

Hitoshi sighs and slumps into his folding chair. He's going to ask for a damned couch when he gets into the office.

He glances at the wall separating his apartment from Midori's, wondering which he'll do first when he sees him again: shake him for worrying him so much, or pull him into a fierce hug.

He frowns, still unsure if his neighbor bolted because he'd been too forward. (Maybe he'll ask this time before flinging himself bodily in his direction.)

The next morning, Shinsou heads out early, wondering what the hell his boss might have to talk to him about.

His boss ushers him inside the office closes the door behind him before pouring two cups of coffee. Shinsou slides into one of the cushy chairs and links his fingers behind his neck, feeling much more relaxed than the last time he'd been in here.

His boss drops into his chair and sighs before plucking a thick pile of papers from his desk drawer. "We got a new report from our mystery consultant."

Shinsou shifts in his seat and sits up, his interest piqued.

The dark-haired male pushes his glasses up his nose and takes a sip of his coffee. "It wasn't requested as part of any investigation, and there are no linked job requests for this." He shakes his head, smiling in disbelief as he continues. "It just showed up at a few police stations yesterday afternoon with a link to several months of accumulated evidence." He pushes the thick stack across the desk for Shinsou to take. "This is just the summary."

Shinsou flips through a few pages, then back to the front, frowning down at the name of the company. He taps it twice, looking up at his boss. "This company name looks familiar."

The older male nods. "It's the name of the company we usually call in for cleanup after major accidents or villain-related catastrophes."

Shinsou whistles lowly. "They're a Commission pick."

His boss nods gravely. "It's supposed to hit the media some time today. There's gonna be a primetime news shitstorm about the Commission's involvement in selecting this particular company if all of this evidence holds up. It's really not looking good for anyone on the selection committee."

Shinsou chuckles as he flips through the pages to read highlights of the consultant's findings. He glances up at his boss. "Thanks for this copy, but I get the feeling that this police case isn't the only reason you called me in today."

His boss shakes his head and gives him a wide grin. "You're right. We aren't handling that mess, but I fully expect that this new problem for the Commission is going to encourage them to start moving on anything that might pull some heat off their asses, like our big case."

Shinsou cracks the knuckles of his left hand and grins wildly. "This is exactly the kind of news I like to hear."

The older man nods. "No guarantee it'll be overnight, but I will be surprised if they wait longer than a week to get us rolling on our mission to generate a bigger headline than this bullshit they'll be dealing with soon."

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now