Chapter 1

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Miranda Bailey is the head attending general surgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital.  She is the best and most respected surgeon in the Seattle area.  She's been awarded several Harper Avery awards for her work in Genome research.  She's one of the highest paid general surgeons in the nation and is next in line to becoming chief of the number 1 hospital in the northwest United States.  

Residents scramble to be on every medical case Miranda is on. They arrive early to the hospital for rounds just to be close to her and be picked to be the lucky resident to scrub in on a surgery with her. They tried their best to impress her.  She told them that she does not like suck ups, but that didn't stop them.  She had a tough exterior, but she loved to teach, and she made sure that each intern and resident lived up to their potential and she gave them her all. 

When she teaches a skills lab, she has to schedule several in a day to accommodate the many doctors who want to learn from the best. Even from other hospitals.  She loves being a surgeon and teacher. It is what she dreamt of being her entire life.   

Miranda was a shy girl and wasn't very popular in school, but she was extremely smart.  During her high school years, she was the tutor that everyone wanted.  She tutored the entire athletic department to ensure that the stayed up on their grades in order to stay on the teams.  She tutored the star of the basketball team and developed a crush on him.  It seemed as though he liked her too but after getting him through his finals, she thought he would ask her to Homecoming.  However, when he asked her sister, she was devasted.  

Her older sister Danielle was the poplar one and Miranda worshipped the older Bailey.  She had many friends and an array of boyfriends. She was always invited to the best parties. Danielle loved her little sister and would take Miranda along with her, trying to get her out her shyness but she was never comfortable socializing and stayed to herself.

Miranda was an excellent student and graduated with honors.  She went to Wessley college and got her degree in biology.   She then went on to medical school in Seattle where she was top in her class.  She was ecstatic when she matched at Seattle Grace.  It was her top choice.   

Even though she was from Baltimore and had fellowship offers back home she opted to stay in Seattle to live and begin her illustrious career.    Her parents and sister actually joined her so the family would be closer. Miranda lived a block from the home she bought her parents, but it was like they live together. She really had no social life, and she found herself always at their house when she wasn't at work.  

Miranda is now 35 years old and was getting a lot of pressure from her parents to marry.  Especially her mom.  Even though they were proud of her accomplishments they felt that she valued her job more than finding a husband and starting a family. Danielle was married before and divorced and, now she was on her way, to getting married again.  

The man that she is marrying is, Tucker Jones.  He is someone that Miranda knows all too well.  She met him first and was madly in love.  However, once he saw Danielle, he fell head over heels for her and now they are getting married.  Miranda is the maid of honor, and it is the most difficult thing she has every had to do.  Standing and watching her sister marry a man she was in love with was depressing.  

Benjamin Warren the head anesthesiologist at Mercy West.  He has been there for several years and one of the best in the city.  He loves what he does but ever since her watched a surgeon take out a spleen in 12 seconds, he has been dreaming of becoming one.

Ben is a handsome man; and he knew it because of the way women looked and swooned over him.  Although he could get any woman he wanted, he never kept one.  He couldn't keep them interested.  The women these days were looking for someone who had a little thug in them and that wasn't who Benjamin was.  He was smart sensitive, caring, and a pure romantic.  He did not have a mean streak in his body.  

He was excellent in bed and knew how to completely take care of a woman's needs.  Women couldn't get enough of him in that area. However, that's all he was to them, a booty call.   He began to see he was only being used for what was between his legs and what he could do with his tongue. 

He thought he had found someone who wanted something deeper than just sex.  He thought she was the one he could spend the rest of his life with until he caught her in bed with another man.  When he confronted her, she told him although he was the sweetest guy, she knew he just wasn't for her.   She left him heartbroken and after, he swore to live a celibate life.  He wanted companionship with someone who was a friend one he could forge a deeper connection with spiritually without getting sex involved.  He figured he could find someone who was willing to have a sexless marriage. 

He joined a dating site and added this profile.   

Handsome anesthesiologist seeks woman interested in common goals and companionship.  Must be college educated and 30 or over.  Only serious replies will be answered.

Miranda would never be caught dead on a dating site.  What she did not know is that her mother and sister created a profile for her.   

It was Danielle's wedding day to Tucker, and the reception was just getting turned up.  Miranda was sitting with her best friend Callie eating. 

" I can't believe he's married"

Miranda said looking at Tucker on the dance floor.

"I can't believe he choose Danielle over you" Callie replied.

" I can"

"I told you not to introduce them"

"Well, she already had a husband. I thought it was safe"

Miranda kept staring at Tucker dancing with one of the other bridesmaids.

"So how are you handling this"

"Well, I learned my lesson.  No more fantasies about good lucking men, 

"You never know Miranda. There's a guy out there for everyone" Callie encouraged.

"Yeah who. Dr. Morales" 

"What's wrong with him, Callie said

"Beside the fact he looks like your 83-year-old uncle Hector, everything". 

They both laughed but Miranda stopped laughing and sighed and said

"Shit...What do I know I'm no prize" 

"Don't say that girl.  Look at you. You're gorgeous. Your an accomplished surgeon you are beautiful inside and out your funny as hell and look at this banging body. Just look at that ass   Any man would be lucky to have you."   

"Yeah, any man but Tucker." 

Miranda sadly stated as she stared at him again.  She could not believe that the man she loved just married her sister. 

Miranda had been dating Tucker for a few months.  Their relationship was progressing.   She even enjoyed the sex that they had.  But once she introduced him to Danielle, everything started going left and he was losing interest in her.

It wasn't until he came clean with her one day and told her that he had fallen for her sister.  It was not anything that was planned but now he could not deny how he felt. Danielle was already married but she and  her husband were having problems. Tucker ended up being a shoulder for her to cry on when Miranda would be late coming from work and Danielle and Tucker would be at her house waiting for her to come home.  

He told Miranda that they had an attraction for one another that they tried to deny.  They had not consummated those feelings, but they could not deny them any longer.  Miranda was devasted and hurt by the both of them and it took a while for her to forgive them both.  However she loved her sister and wanted her to be happy even at her own cost.  When she saw them together she thought it was meant to be.   

She gave her blessing and now here they were at their wedding.  Little did she know, the love they thought they had, was not all that it was cracked up to be and maybe, just maybe he could be hers.  

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