Chapter 11

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After Tucker left, Miranda went back to her office.  Just when she was about to sit down her phone rang. This time it was Ben and like before she ignored his call.   

A few minutes later.  She saw the voicemail indicator light up.  Miranda clicked it and listened

"Miranda, don't you think this is a bit childish. I have been calling you every day for months now at least you can pick up and talk to me. I'm trying here.   Well.....okay then.  Everything is going well here.   I was picked to do my first appy today.   I was flawless just like you taught me.  I want to tell you all about it, but you won't talk to me.   

Ben voice got soft and sad sounding.

"Miranda.... Please talk to me.......Well........I'll be home in a few days I guess I'll see you then .  Bye Miranda."   

Miranda ended the voicemail and she felt bad she could hear the sadness in his voice.   He just wanted to talk just like they use to.   She began to feel sad herself.

Miranda was doing her last surgery of the day and it was with Callie.  Callie was working on the patient's lower leg where there was a facture and Miranda was trying to operate on the patients liver.  

"Miranda, so you want to go out Thursday.  I know of this new club.  We can go dancing and drinking since we are both off Friday."

"I can't, I have a date"  

"A date with who"


"Tucker........ are you crazy that is your sister's husband."   

"Well, he's not anymore"

"What.....What happen?

"Tucker caught her in bed with another man.  He said that since Ben and I are on the outs and he and Danielle are no longer together we can comfort one another, and Callie I need this If you know what I mean.  I haven't had an orgasm in months."   

Callie chuckled and shook her head and said,

"Miranda you are my best friend and I love you, but I would not be a good friend if I didn't ask you if you are sure you know what your doing.   Your going back to the man that hurt you by choosing your sister over you.    You had better and that's  Ben.  He choose you. He wanted you.  I know he fucked up but you married him you knew what he was all about when your married him." 

"Now you want to be like woe is me." 

"Callie I'm not"

"Oh, but you are but if this is want, you think you want.  I will still be your friend and love you like I always do but Miranda........ you deserve better"

Miranda was quiet the rest of the surgery.  She thought about want Callie said and now she was conflicted.  Miranda scrubbed out and went to her office to finish the post op notes.  After checking on her patients one last time she went home. 

Ben was at work and he just was not himself.  He was usually nice and cordial to his coworkers but today he was short and curt with them.   He even yelled at a nurse.   This thing with Miranda was eating at him.  

He was off Wednesday so after work he went to a bar with a friend he made at the hospital to clear his head. 

Ben just began drinking nonstop and got so drunk and his friend had to take him home.  Sam was walking a drunk Ben to his apartment when Ben stopped and slurred out,

"I have to call my wife.   Wait do I even have a wife." 

"Uh don't you think you ought to sober up before you call anyone." 

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