Chapter 6

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Miranda and Ben walked back to her house.  He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and got into his car. Miranda stood outside watching him drive away wonder whether she was making a mistake.  She knows she cared for him deeply and he really did know her.   

She thought about the love she still had for Tucker and if that is what love is about, she did not want any parts of it.  Ben was a good guy. Any sane woman would want to be with him and after that kiss she knew there were definitely sparks.  Miranda thought about how he said that if she wanted sex, it was not completely off the table.  She smiled and said this just might work.  

She turned toward the front door dreading what was on the other side.  She opened her door and there Elena was standing with her hands on her hips.  She immediately started going in on Miranda.

"I want you stop seeing him immediately."

"Mom, I am a grown ass woman with a grown ass job and my own house.  You cannot expect me do anything you tell me to do at this stage in my life." 

"That man is making a fool out of you. I do not trust him. Where is the attraction." 

"You mean why is he attracted to me? Well, he is not attracted to me.   He told you, he doesn't want sex he wants me as a companion." 

"I never heard of anything so ridiculous.  It's not natural."  "Who goes without sex."  

"What's natural Danielle and Tucker.   Shit that girl throws her pussy around so much it's a wonder she still has one."  I will not be in a marriage like that.  I won't have to wonder where my husband is at night. He won't have to wonder where I am.  At least we will respect each other enough to not go sleeping around with other people.  He is my friend; he will never hurt me and at least he wants me."

"He wants you!  

"Yes, he wants me.   A handsome sexy successful doctor wants me.   The daughter you thought couldn't get a man on her own landed this man and I didn't have to sleep with him to get him. He may not want me the way you and Danielle were wanted. Nerveless he wants me. and I am going to marry him.

"Well don't come running to me when it backfires in your face" Elena said 

"Good to know mom.  Now can you leave."   

"Needless to say, Miranda's father was not happy about her decision either and neither came to their courthouse wedding, which happened about 2 months later. Besides the bride and groom the only persons in attendance was only Callie, Daneille and Tucker. They all knew the situation, but Miranda didn't care.  The only person that really supported her decision was Callie.

The newlyweds decided to live at Miranda's house since it was bigger.  Ben just had a bachelor apartment and he decided to keep it and sublet.  They would live as a married couple that did not sleep together.   Ben would sleep in the second bedroom.  The night that they got married they went out to dinner with the other three but ended up back at the house early because Miranda had a big surgery the next day.  

Ben was coming out of his room and saw Miranda sitting in the living room doing paperwork and watching television.    

"Hey what are you watching"  

"It's Star Wars Return of the Jedi."

"Ben chuckled. I should have known. You love your Star Wars."  

"Yes, it helps me relax."  

"Do you mind if I watch with you?"  

"Of course not."  

Miranda moved some papers to allow Ben to sit on the couch with her.  After a while of watching, he started asking her questions about the movie.  They talked and watched the movie.  Ben was really enjoying it and Miranda liked that he found interest in something she loved.  They continued to talk until Miranda drifted off to asleep.  Ben did not want her to sleep on the couch because he did not want her back hurting her in the morning, so he lifted her up and carried her to her bedroom. 

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