Chapter 4

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Ben and Miranda arrived at the restaurant, and he parked the car. Being the gentleman he was, he went around to her side and opened the door to help her out. He gave her his arm to take, and they walked to the entrance.

"Warren for two"

"Yes, sir right this way."

The host led them to their table. Walking past the other tables, Miranda noticed all the stares they received from women. She instantly was annoyed. They got to the table and Ben pulled out her chair. He walked around to his seat and noticed the look on her face.

"What's wrong?

"How do you handle the staring?"

"What do you mean?"

"All these women are staring at you. How do you handle it?"

"Miranda, I really do not notice that. Why would I. That would be disrespectful to the woman I'm with. When I am with a lady my attention should be on that woman."

"Miranda smiled satisfied with his answer."

"Do you want to see what you want to eat?"

Miranda nodded. He handed her a menu and pick up the other for himself. As they were reading over them, the waiter came over and asked if they were ready.

"Ladies first"

Ben motioned to Miranda.

"Uh. I have your special seafood pasta with a Ceasar salad and extra dressing on the side. I would also like a glass of white wine"

Ben ordered the special lasagna with a house salad with oil and vinegar. He also ordered a glass of red wine. The waiter took their menus and told them he would be right back with their salads.

Miranda looked at Ben and asked,

"What would you like to know about becoming a surgeon?"

"How did you know you wanted to be a surgeon?"

"I always wanted to be a doctor ever since I was a little girl. I did not decide to be a surgeon however until one day I was on a class trip at a hospital and a trauma came in with a penetrating injury to the chest. I wandered away from my class and ended up in the OR gallery. On the tabel was the man they rushed in. I watched as they delicately removed the steel pipe from his stomach. It looked like a well-orchestrated dance, and I was in awe. I knew from then on I wanted to do that."

"Wow, you weren't scared of all the blood there must have been."

"Not at all. blood never bothered me. I don't have many fears."

"You have fears? The amazing Miranda Bailey?

"Yeah".......she giggled........"I have a real fear of spiders. I can be a bit irrational when it comes to them.

She laughed as she told him about a spider crawling out of patient while she was operating and how she reacted.

Ben chuckled and said,

"Well, I'll make sure I save you from an itty-bitty spider if you ever need me to."

Miranda smiled and they continued to talk. The waiter came with their salads, and he set them down and gave Mirada her extra dressing. She poured it all over the salad and looked at Ben watching her and said,

"I really don't like salad, but I love the Ceasar dressing, so I like to cover the leaves with extra." She said embarrassed.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed I like that you know what you like to eat. I hate when I take a woman out and she pretends to only eat like a rabbit just for my sake. It's okay to be yourself around me. Miranda blushed and continued to eat.

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