Chapter 3

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Miranda did not want to have dinner with this new guy Benjamin Warren without knowing what she was getting herself into.  She decided to go to Mercy West with Callie to scope him out.  She arrived showing off her credentials in order to be able to sit in on a surgery he was in as the anesthesiologist. 

She found their surgical board and saw he was in a surgery now.  She and Callie went up to their gallery and sat down.  They were the only two there.  Miranda watched as two cardio surgeons and a general surgeon operated.  It looked like everything was going great until the monitors started sounding warning signals.

Callie and Miranda sat up straight in order to see what was going on,  

Miranda said to herself multi-focal PVC's 

Both she and Ben spoke out 

"Air embolus must have sucked air into the septal wound"

"They have to get their hands out now" Miranda said

Ben shouted

"Get your hands out, out now!"

The alarms continued to go off.  Ben lowered the bed and turn the patient on the table

He said and Miranda mouthed 

"He's going to need a needle aspiration"

Ben finished with 

"Before he throws an air embolus and strokes out."

Miranda was impressed with him he knew what he was doing.   She watched as they saved the patient and finished up the surgery.  She watched as Ben removed his masked after the surgery and her breath hitched realizing how handsome this chocolate man was  

Callie watched her reaction and smirked

"You like what you see huh"

"Shut up"

Miranda replied smiling   

"Let's get out of here before he sees me."  

It was too late.  Ben looked up and saw Miranda standing to try and leave.  He quickly hit the intercom on his side of the OR.

"Hey Dr. Bailey wait up."

Miranda froze in her tracks and waited as requested.  

Callie said,

"I'll meet you at the car."

Ben told his intern to secure the patient and he will be right behind him. He quicky scrubbed out and went up the stairs to see Miranda

When he got there, he said,



 Miranda replied nervously.

"What are you doing here?"

Miranda lied and stated

"Just observing surgeries at other hospitals and happened to walk in on this one."


Ben said, kind of not believing her.

"You were great in there I thought you guys were going to lose the patient."  

"Awe thanks, that's a compliment coming from you.   Are we still on for tonight?"

"Uh yeah what time will you be picking me up." 

"Can we say around 7 o'clock.  That gives you time to get home and be ready.  You have my number.  I know a busy surgeon like you sometimes gets called into emergencies.  Just call if we have to push it ok?"  

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