Chapter 5

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Miranda was in her kitchen preparing dinner for her mother and Ben.  Callie called while she was cooking, and she answered putting her on speaker

"What's up Callie."

"Hey girl I was just checking to make sure you weren't going crazy over there.  You sure you want your mother to meet Ben?"

"What other choice to I have?  We have been seeing each other for 6 months.  I can't keep them apart forever."  

"Yeah, I guess you're right.  You know, I cannot believe you guys haven't had sex.  Don't you want to?"

"Sometimes I do.  I get really horny around my time of the month.   That's when I need a release the most, but he doesn't want to have a relationship that's all about sex.  He thinks that people can be together spiritually and form a natural love for one another.  Sex would just cloud things.  You know I think he's right.   Look what happened to me and Tucker.  Ben and I have connected on a deeper level without having sex. He knows me. He respects me.

"Miranda would you really think about being with someone without having sex?"

"Miranda thought about it and said.  Yeah Callie I think I would. If he asked.  At least it would keep my mom out my hair about being married." 

"To each their own then.  Girl try not to kill your mom tonight okay?"

"I'll try.   I love you."  

"I love you too."

Miranda hung up the phone and finished dinner.   She went up stairs and got ready.  She heard her front door opened and knew it was no one but her mom.


Elena shouted.  

"I'll be right down" 

Her mom went into the kitchen and looked in the pots that were on the stove.  She got a little annoyed.  Why would she cook such a simple meal of steak and potatoes she thought?  Miranda came into the kitchen and noticed the look on her mother's face.  

"What's wrong?"

"You couldn't cook something a little fancier.  He's going to think you did not put any thought into this dinner."  

"Mom, I cooked what I know he likes.  He doesn't want or need all of the pretending.  You know you do not have to stay.  You have your own husband who you could be meddling with."

"Oh no. I'm not going anywhere you have been keeping this one close to your chest.  I want to know what his intentions are"

Miranda sighed and was just about to say something when the doorbell rang. Miranda looked at her mother with raised eyebrows silently telling her to behave.  She walked to the front door and opened it.   


"Hey Miranda."  these are for you handing her a bouquet of her favorite roses"

"Awe you didn't have to.  It's your birthday." 

"I always bring you flowers, and besides it's better than anointed oil".  

They laughed together. Miranda took the flowers and stepped aside for Ben to come in.  Elena was standing in the living room and walked toward them at the door.

"Um Ben this is my mother, Elena Bailey. Mom this is Benjamin Warren."  

Nice to meet you Mrs. Bailey.  

"Oh no call me Elena.  That makes me feel so old.

"Okay Elena."   

Miranda rolled her eyes already annoyed  

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