Time goes by fast.

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They get out of the car. Sneha sees the cafe, already loving the vintage vibe it has. Taehyung loves the same vibe. So much like them.
They go inside and find a table for two. They sit in front of each other.
Sneha is looking around like a kid with big eyes.
Sneha bears a huge smile and with that says to Taehyung, "This place looks so pretty!!"
Taehyung just admires her and says, "Well, Pretty people know pretty places, You know?" to annoy her.
Sneha: "Uffff, I am so done with Kim Brothers. Now I know why Taejoon is like this." *Sighs*
Taehyung: "But you like us."
Sneha: "Oh please, I don't. I don't trust me."
Taehyung: *scoffs* "Yeah V-Biased"
Sneha: "Ughhh, that's why I never told anyone. That idiot friend of mine. And it is all in the past. Don't get ahead of yourself. Huh."
Taehyung: "So you don't like me anymore, Hmmmmmm?"
*puppy eyes*
Sneha: "No no no Mr.Kim. I like you. But I don't like you anymore as V of BTS. I like you as Mr Kim Taehyung now."
Taehyung: *speechless* "Well, I like you tooo."
Sneha: *speechless*

Taehyung Pov:
Does she realise that that that was basically a confession? Oh my god. This girl. My heart cannot be with her. She is dangerous for my heart.

Sneha pov:
He-He-he li-li-likessss m-m-meeeee. What. This man can kill me with his words one day.

Author's note: This is the story of the Dumb and the Dumber.

Taehyung: "Let's order something!"
Sneha: "Yeah yeah. Excuse me! We will like to order."
*Waiter comes with his notepad*
Taehyung: "I will have a Strawberry Milkshake, make it extra sweet please."
Sneha: "I will have a cold vanilla latte with triple espresso shots and no sugar."
*The waiter was smiling at the duality of their orders.*

Sneha: "Extra sweet, seriously?" rolls her eyes.
Taehyung: "No sugar, seriously?" rolls his eyes.
Sneha: "Mr Kim you are one sarcastic person lol. It's fun with you. Also, I will like to cancel my one sip from your drink please."
Taehyung: "Oh, it's not gonna be that bad. It is gonna be 100% Better than your no-sugar triple shot coffee."
Sneha: "Come on, now. Don't tease me on this. I like sweet things just not coffee and milkshakes."
Taehyung: "Okay okay. It is cause you have never tasted the sweetness."
*Sneha rolls her eyes*
Taehyung: "It is fun to annoy you. Your reactions are so cute."
*Sneha is now speechless. She just looked at Taehyung*
*Drinks arrive*

Sneha gets her Coffee and Taehyung his Milkshake. They take a sip. Wow, they are impressed by the taste. Sneha takes Taehyung's drink and takes a sip, for the sake of revenge. Taehyung takes her coffee and takes a sip for reciprocating. They make faces cause one is too sweet and one is too strong. They respectfully return to each other their drinks.
Looks at each other. Burst out laughing. Their eyes are so prettily crescent moon shaped.
Taehyung says, "My god. So strong. How are you drinking this."
Sneha, "That was so sweet. I got a sugar rush. How are you drinking this."
Taehyung " I can never have your coffee."
Sneha "and I cannot have any of your drinks, Mr Kim. Lol."
They continue having their odd conversation and start drinking their beverages.
Until they realise, they had an indirect kiss.

Taehyung Pov: We we we had an indirect kiss. WHATTTT. *blushes*
Sneha pov: When I took his shake and had a sip I didn't realise he had used it. By this logic, we had an indirect kiss. Uhuhuhuhmmm. Shit. I am again blushing.

*They are both a bit red.*
But they act normal like it isn't a big deal. It wasn't if I am being honest. But for two people who were already on the verge of falling for each other, this was a huge deal. They were happy. But also scared, what if the other doesn't feel the same way?

Time escaped: It's 2:30 AM.
Taehyung: " It's late. You have an office in the morning right."
Sneha: " Yes. How can the weekend be over so soon? What time is it, Mr Kim?"
Taehyung: " It is 2:34AM."
Sneha: "What the fuck? How can time go by so quickly? We were just having noodles at 6 and it is already 2:30!!!"
Taehyung: " Yes ma'am. Time does sure fly by fast."
Sneha: " It flies very fast when I am with you. It's never enough. Ahaha shouldn't we leave now?"
Taehyung: "Mutual feelings. With you, I don't realise the time that has gone by. Yeah yeah, we should leave."
Sneha: "Do you mind if I click a picture of yours?"
Taehyung: "Sure, but why?"
Sneha: "It was a well-spent day. I want to keep this as a memory."
Taehyung: " Your thinking is beautiful you know. I am clicking your picture then."
Sneha: " Why don't we click a picture together?"
Taehyung: "Sure."
Sneha clicks his one picture just sitting in front of her and smiling at her.
Taehyung clicks a picture of Sneha just sitting in front of her and smiling at him.
They click a selfie too. Of them together.

Sneha asks Taehyung to share the pictures.
Sneha pov: That's my new wallpaper.
Taehyung Pov: That is my new wallpaper.

Then they pay for the drinks and leave the cafe. They sit in the car, and Taehyung starts playing some songs from his playlist. And they vibe together on their way back home. Their ride was 35 mins long. They finally reached their homes. But they didn't wanna leave each other. But they were out of reason to be together for more time.

They took the lift. Got off on the 17th floor. Sneha stopped at 1701 and Taehyung at 1702. Before that They said Good night to each other. And just smiled. A smile filled with love and saying don't go, let's spend more time together. Taehyung puts in the passcode. To his surprise, the passcode was changed.
Taehyung: "What? Was the code changed? They didn't tell me? Am I not allowed in my own home?"
Sneha: "I think this happened 2 weeks ago, cause of Taejoon. He was so drunk the other day, he had locked the door by entering the wrong password 10 times. Then we got it changed."
Taehyung: "What! That drunkard." *scoffs*
Sneha: "Ikr. I don't think anyone is gonna open the door for you. Why don't you sleep at my place?"
Taehyung: "Well, thank you, Sneha."
Sneha: "Lol, don't be. We aren't strangers."
Taehyung: "Thank god, I am in my comfort clothes. I can sleep in these."
Sneha: "Oh don't worry about that. I have some clothes that will fit you."
Taehyung: "Whose? Who stayed at your place and even left their clothes?" *says abruptly and is super jealous*
Sneha: "Just you know, SOMEONE." having fun at teasing him.
Taehyung, " Who exactly?" is kinda pissed now.
Sneha laughs at his reaction and decides not to play with fire and further.
Sneha: "Taejoon's. Look at your face lmao."
Taehyung: "Why though?"
Sneha: " Because he is a drunkard and He cannot enter his house IDK why though! So I let him stay here on the couch. Am I done? Mr Officer."
Taehyung caught off-guard says, "What OFFICER? I WASN'T INTERROGATING"
Sneha: " Now, Just shush! Don't ask me more questions. You are the second guy staying over after Taejoon. Now come in."
Taehyung: "Umm, okay." says in a kinda sad IDK emotion, looks like his Tata mic face.

Sneha is speechless at his face and says, "Awww you look so cute. Your bread cheeks, I wanna eat them!'
Taehyung, "HUH?"
Sneha blushes hard and says, " Oh nothing. Come in!" Opens the door and they enter.

Tae Pov: Did she say to eat them? She is so fucking cute. Darling, I wanna eat you whole but I will wait for you. It hurts to know that I am the second guy but I will be the last.

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