See you soon.

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Sneha says to Tae, "I have only one room. You can sleep there. Lemme get you blankets and water."
Taehyung: " Where will you sleep?"
Sneha: " On the couch. Bydway, are you comfortable with sharing a bed? Because I cannot sleep at other places."

Author's note:
Sneha has her priorities set. She can share her bed. But she cannot lose her sleep. Lol.

Taehyung: " It's cool. Dw about me." * is a Lil nervous*
Sneha: "Thank you."
Taehyung: "It is literally your home. But are you sleepy Sneha?"
Sneha: "No I am not, what should we do?"
Taehyung: "Idk you tell. Wait wait, ma'am. You have office tomorrow. So we are sleeping."

*Acting like a father.*
Sneha: "Such turn of events. You are unpredictable, Sir."
Taehyung: "It's almost 5, you should rest well. Let's sleep."

Sneha then gets blankets for Taehyung. She then changes to her PJs. Taehyung is already lying on the bed. She lays down at her side. Sets alarm. Puts her phone down.
Sneha: "Mr Kim, today was fun. Thank you for spending time with me."
Taehyung: "Sneha, it was fun for me too. You need not be so formal."
Sneha: " You are so different in a good way. I am happy there was a day like today."
Taehyung: "You always intrigue me with your talks. It is simple and easy to like you. Silly girl. Haha"
Sneha: "Hmmmmmm you too, gyoddnigdht."
Taehyung: "You are asleep already. Well, you must be tired from all the cleaning, cooking, and walking love. Sleep well. Good night."
Tae closes his eyes as well and is fast asleep.

Time escape: 8 AM
Taehyung is awake.
Sneha is in his arms. Somehow shocked about how it happened. He is staring at her relentlessly.
She is sleeping very peacefully.
There are small little rays of sunlight falling on her face. She looks so beautiful in his eyes. She always does, in his eyes.
She does wrap her arms around him after 5 mins and is still asleep.
Taehyung is trying to act normal but his heart is telling otherwise. He is being extra careful of his baby.
He clicks a picture of her sleeping in his arms. He wants to savour every part of her.
Looking at Sneha for a while, He closes his eyes as well.

Time escape: 9 AM
Sneha's Alarm rings. Abruptly she is awake. What she sees wakes her up more. Her lying so comfortably in Tae's Arm. She was hugging him as well. She Mistook him for a pillow. She was so shy now.
But she was staring at him. So beautiful. So flawless. So real. She touched his cheek intuitively.
She blurts, "My love's cheeks are so soft."
He is real, she thinks. He is so beautiful. She then silently gets out of the hugging position and gets up and leaves the room.

Author's note:
Taehyung's Bread Cheeks are So soft.

Taehyung was awake since the alarm rang. He was just pretending to be asleep. That stare and that cheek touch made him get butterflies. And LOVE?
He became so happy. His morning started great. He was happy. He couldn't help but think how nicely she hugged him. All the time that went on, he was hers and she was his.

Sneha on the other hand was so red and struggling to understand what just happened. But she had no time. She was already late for the office. She went into the washroom, brushed, bathe and came out, wearing her bathrobe. Went to the room to get clothes because she thought he was asleep.
Entered the room, and Taehyung is sitting. They make eye contact.
Taehyung rushes out saying, "Sorry sorry. I will go out. You change."
*Sneha is shocked*
Taehyung rushes outside the room and he is Red. From Cheeks to Ears, Red. Seeing the person you like in a bathrobe without even confessing to them is too much for a sweet little heart, lol.
*Sneha changes quickly into formal wear, a white shirt with a black skirt, black stockings, a watch, and subtle makeup*
In the meantime, Taehyung had freshened up. He is still in the washroom when Sneha comes out of her room.
She goes into the kitchen. There is a small mandir in her kitchen. She does her small prayer and aarti. Then as she looks for Taehyung.
She sees him just standing there on the side and observing her.
He smiles and wishes her Good morning.
She replies and smiles.
Sneha: " I am sorry for coming inside the room, without much precaution Mr Kim. I am sorry it wasn't intentional."
Taehyung: "I understand I understand. You don't have to apologise. It was your room for heaven's sake. And you needed clothes. I understand. Are you always this silly?" says playfully.
Sneha: "Huh? I am sorry."
Taehyung: "Will you stop treating me like a stranger? You should relax a bit."
*1 minute later*
Sneha: "Okay okay. It was my bad. This pupil shall not repeat her mistakes."
Taehyung: "Very well. I am sorry It was rude of me. I just want you to treat me normally, Sneha."
Sneha: "Yes sir. Noted. Lol."
A Lil laughter dissolved all the awkwardness that was prevailing between them.
She grabs her bag and wears her heels.
Sneha tells Taehyung she is leaving. Sneha: "Bbye, Mr Kim."

Taehyung: "Breakfast?"
Sneha: "That that I can have later."
Taehyung grabs her hand, she was all set to go to her office. He takes her to his home.
Ajumma and Ahjussi and Taejoon are shocked to see them together in the morning. More shocked after seeing their hands intertwined.

Taehyung: "Omoni, she was going to the office without having breakfast."
Taehyung goes and gets a plate and puts breakfast and asks Sneha to sit and eat it.
The three other family members are shocked to the core. More shocked when they see her obediently sit and eat.
Because Sneha isn't a person who listens. She never eats breakfast, no matter how much you say. She won't have breakfast. But today she did. Because He told her too.

Taehyung joined them as well. They had their breakfast. Sneha talked a bit to Ajumma and Ahjussi. She said bye to them.
Our Taejoon was so shocked and full of questions for Sneha. Because he missed out on like 15 hours and too much has happened.

Taehyung came to her and told her something very silently, only she could hear.
Taehyung: "See you soon, Love."
A smile to seal the deal. A smirk would be a better word.

Sneha: "U-Um-mm yeah, Bbye Mr.Kim."
*Sneha is red all over*
Sneha pov:

Author's Note:
It is not going fast. Their relationship. Their chemistry. Nothing is going fast.
As I mentioned, their personalities, their souls, their hearts, everything fits naturally. It isn't the period in their love story. Their love will increase each day, each hour, and each second after they have known each other.
Because they have waited and manifested each other all their lives. So their getting together is God's Will.
I have a feeling they were husband-wife in the previous birth too.
It's their love story and the pace is just right. They are so in love already.

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