Friends? Neighbours? Soul-mates?

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Sneha just stayed in till evening. I wonder, is she embarrassed? She isn't reply to Taejoon's calls too. While I am wondering what is she doing, Taejoon's phone ring.
"Hi Aunty, I will check on her. Don't worry she is alright." He said. Suddenly his expressions change, he is kinda pissed.
"Sneha isn't picking up her parents call too. Now, I am both angry and worried. Hyung, Can you come with me."
We rang the bells 5-6 times, He as last resort opened the door (Sneha has told him the door key). And I felt like intruding. So, I stayed near the door.
She was sleeping on the couch, her phone thrown on the floor. It is kind of funny.

"Wake up! You idiot. It's 7 in the evening!" Taejoon said to her.
"Ugh, lemme sleep. Wait, 7pm? What the hell?" She got up abruptly. I am finding it kinda cute, ugh Idk.
"Yes ma'am. Your mom called, talk to them. They are worried. How can you sleep so much!" He said.
She replied in a baby voice, "Don't scold me now!"

Weirdly, she kept staring at me. She looked funny with her messy hair and dead inside face. Both Taejoon and I were confused. Why is she staring? But she didn't say anything at all.

Few mins later, Taejoon made her some coffee. And her first question was, "Is he real? It wasn't just a dream?"
Taejoon started laughing and I was left baffled. She thought all the time I was in was a dream. I don't know what to think of it.
"Yes. Very much." was all I could reply.
Taejoon laughed, " I wonder what's there in your brain. You little idiot."
Sneha looked at him all pissed, " I wonder the same, what I thought while making a friend like you. You dumb-ass!"
He replied , "Just have your coffee you little shit" .
Sneha rolled her eyes, "I have to so that I don't murder you!"
Taejoon, "As if you can. Now that you are alive, we will leave. Bye!"
"Bye, see you at dinner!" I said.
She nodded.

-some time later-
She came for dinner and I realised how embarrassed she looks. I so want to just cut the ice, agh.
"You alright?"
She smiled, lYeah. Got scolded a little bit it's cool."
I replied, "Well you should"
She looked at me, "I didn't know you were team Taejoon already."
"I haven't decided on the teams yet." I laughed.
"Then I have time to make you mine." She smirked.
It was umm, I don't know it felt like something.
I chuckled shutting all my thoughts, "Yeah, you do"
We kept talking about something or another, Taejoon joined us as well. It was fun? It felt comfortable, I don't know how else to think of it.

We exchanged numbers and also Instagram.
"Is it your private private account?" She asked all excited.
Suddenly she got all excited, and a little too happy.
"Don't mind her, she is in her ARMY mode right now." Taejoon laughed.
"Yes, I can see that."
It was again cute. Again? Agh, it's like everything she does is cute? But it is cute. Agh!

-Next day-
Today is quite mellow. It was peaceful, clear skies, fresh air and calm mornings. As I was coming back from the gym, I saw her. Sitting at her balcony with headphones on, and probably drinking coffee. Wow, she always surprises me. I really need to get a grip, but she is just too attractive. Sigh, I don't know.

I returned home thinking we might not meet today, but fate has other plans. Taejoon asked me to join them, while they chill. I don't know what exactly does he mean but yeah.

-later in the evening-
"Why do you have that?" Taejoon laughed.
"What? These sunflowers?"
"Yeah. Hyung, you should play it a little cool." He said.
But I don't know how to!! This is the first time I am so overwhelmed with this strange excitement. I don't know where this is going, but It just feels right.

I replied, "Sunflowers won't hurt. And its my first time going there, it would be weird if I didn't bring anything."
He sighed, "Then what about the Whiskey, you got?"
I replied, "You will give that. As you said, don't want to overdo."
"Very well."

*We are waiting for her to open the door*
"Hiiii!" ~Woah~ She smiled
Taejoon replied, "Yo, here whiskey for you." and entered!! Like it's nothing!!
I am standing by the door all awkward.
"Umm, you can come in too." She smiled.
I gave her the sunflowers bouquet, and said, "For you."
She smiled softly and said, "Aha thankyou. This is the first time someone gave me flowers. Thank you!!"
If she smiles like this, I want to give her flowers everyday!!
"Thank you for having me." I chuckled while looking somewhere else, trying hard not to blush. Her smile, does something to me.
"Also, thanks for the Whiskey."
I replied baffled, "What?"
She smiled, "I have know Taejoon for almost 2 months now, I know he will not just get up and bring me liquor. So, thank you. There was no need though."
Oh, so she knew from the start.
"Okay Sherlock. Anyways, do you like this whiskey?"
She replied, "I have never tried it. But who knows, it might become my favourite."
If she is flirting, it's effective. I don't want to think of if she is not.
I smiled, "Let me know."
Taejoon coughed twice and said, "This place is huge, you guys can come inside too."
Sneha looked back all smiles and I nodded.
This is fun.

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