Hold my hand

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Time escape: almost 6 months
It's the time of their 1st Anniversary...

As days were going by
They were getting more habitual with each other, they used to adjust their schedules considering the other person...
Taehyung was getting busier with his new album's preparation and BTS Comeback and then the World tour. It seems the next 6 months they would hardly see each other.
Also, Sneha was appearing for her professional exam in 5 months.
They thought of all the things that were lined up for them and decided to celebrate their anniversary on Jeju Island. They will be there for 4 days.

Day of leaving:
Sneha pov:
..it's been a year with him. I didn't realise how time went by. feels like a week damn... So that's how it feels with the right man. My Man.

Taehyung pov:
Gift check
Stay check
Preparation check
Everything check
I think everything is set for our 1st Anniversary...hope she likes it.

Reached there.
Went to the villa they booked which was on the beach basically... beautiful...
They got ready and had lunch at the nearby cafe... Just the two of them, sitting, eating, having some wine, with a sea view.
Day 1 there went by in flash. They did some cafe hopping, went to bookstores (because sneha), and bought some really good diaries and stuff (both are needed like that), Taehyung showed her around to his favourite places, the music collections shop, and then they randomly walked into a diner and had dinner, danced there for a while, walked around...the moon was full and so were their hearts...

They went back to their villa...Just as they entered, Taehyung told Sneha, "Come here with me, hold my hand.."
She obliged. He took her to the beach in front, there was a whole setup.. fairy lights, music, wine, 1 small couch...and sea and moon...
This was the kind of Surprise that would stir her heart always because it was thoughtful...she was so happy. They sat watching the view in silence with her head on his shoulders... After a while, Taehyung looked at her and she looked at him.
They started reaching for each other and their lips crashed...In a few minutes, their hands were all over each other...after this Taehyung took her up in his arms and went to the villa.. they directly went to the bedroom and were then awake for good 2 hours...

Day 2
The next morning, at 5:45 AM
Taehyung got up and smiled at the bear hugging him and sleeping so soundly. He saw her and then looked out of the window, the sun was rising.
His pov:
..what a view..haha..my baby..look at her sleeping like that. If only we could wake up like this every morning....wait is she smiling.. haha wow so so fucking cute... I want to do her again shit. Should I wake her up? Oh, I so want to kiss her. Ummm.

He leans in and kisses her. No response.
He smiles at his silliness ofc she is sleeping.
He kisses her again, this time he could deepen the kiss and she started kissing too
...while she is sleeping...
His pov:
Huh...she is kissing me back..she is awake...
He breaks the kiss and says, "Good morning, Yeobo"
She doesn't respond. Then he starts kissing her all over her face saying Good morning and the kisses begin to go down her neck...
That's when she finally opens her eyes wide, all red and shocked somehow...
She was awake since he first kissed her, she was just pretending to be asleep.

She says, "Huh what"
Taehyung: "Oh good you are awake..."
Sneha regrets her decision to open her eyes but what choice did she have?
He leans back and...

Time skip 10 am
Breakfast time
They got up, saw each other and smiled. After a while, when they went to brush their teeth they saw each other in the mirror.
Their bed hair was so funny... They were laughing at each other and
Sneha says, "I feel bad for our kids, they will take our hair...but yours are better than mine so I hope they take yours."
Taehyung: "They?"
Sneha: "Like 2 or more depends you know."
Taehyung: " I want 5!!"
Sneha: "Nope too much!"
Taehyung: " 3 then 3! 2 sons and 1 daughter."
Sneha: " Umm umm let's see. But 2 is final, 1 son and 1 daughter!"
Taehyung: "Nooo I want more. 1 more at least?"
Sneha: "Are we bargaining?"
Taehyung: "I would if you agree for just one more. See we are both from a family of 3 siblings!"
Sneha: "Lol. You know we can discuss that later."
Taehyung: "Okay but have you thought about what you wanna name them?"
Sneha: "I think I have one name! And we are naming our daughter that."
Taehyung: "What is it? Do I have a say in her name?" with an expression saying you are so bossy.
Sneha: "I don't think you do. I will tell you the name later, but we are naming her that!"
Taehyung: "You get to decide the name what do I get?"
Sneha: "Umm Idk what do you want?"
Taehyung: "We are having 3 kids then." smirks.
Sneha: "Okay. We are. Anyways I don't mind another Lil version of you ig."
Taehyung: "Hahaha. Wanna make one?"
*Sneha is freaking red*

Sneha: "Noooooooooooo! Not right now! Brush your teeth for now. I am quite happy with 1 baby right now."
Taehyung: "Sure, says the one who is actually a kid."
*Taehyung pats her head!*
Sneha: "Yeah sure, Grandfather! 7 years doesn't make a big difference..."
Taehyung: "Yaaah. But you are a kid, don't you think."
Sneha: "At least I am not a 33-year-old grandfather. Huh."

*He grabs her and starts tickling her.*
Taehyung: "Yaaaaa. I am not that old okay."
Sneha: "Hahaha. You are. Shouldn't have argued-ed when I called you a ba-baby! Haha"
Taehyung: "Old or baby, you are gonna marry me."
Sneha: "That's true though. Now, let's have breakfast...wanna have pancakes?"
Taehyung: "You agreed?" shocked.
Sneha: "What's there to disagree? Ah, Pancakes or something else?"
Taehyung: "Pancakes, yeobo." says this with a huge ass smile on his face.
Sneha: "Oh cool. Let's brush now. Shall we, V?"
Taehyung: "Nice haha."
Their dumb jokes and them!
*They finally brush their teeth and are off to the kitchen.*

Taehyung and Sneha find the pancake mix, milk and other breakfast things.
Sneha goes, "Pancakes and?"
Taehyung: "Umm fruits, and some bread."
He subconsciously starts the coffee machine for her coffee. She smiles seeing him do that. She says, "It's very sweet of you to make me coffee. I think your habit of making me coffee is gonna get me more addicted to you and coffee."
Taehyung: "That's the plan. So that you cannot survive without me."
Sneha: "Still can't."
Taehyung: "Well, then it's a deal." blushes a bit.
Sneha: "Yup."
*Holds Taehyung's hand, pulls him towards herself and kisses him on the cheek.*
Taehyung: "That's sweet."

Then Taehyung starts kissing her more and more. Like he wants more of her.
His hands travel to different parts of her body. Her hands are still on his face.
The kiss deepens and becomes more.

The breakfast becomes brunch. Both now humming the song Taehyung was humming, He is making his milkshake, while she is making pancakes and cutting some fruits. He completes making both drinks.
Sneha says, "Mr Kim. Pancakes are ready now garnish them as you like."
Taehyung: "Yes ma'am. Plating is my forté."
Sneha: "Yes sir. All yours."
*While Taehyung plates, she stares at him smiling looking at his dedication. Then they enjoy their brunch on the balcony and eat together while watching the sea and each other.*

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