You make me.

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They woke up at 12!!
Sleeping together and looking at each other.
Well, they were tired from all the things they did yesterday.
It was the beginning of their 2nd year together...

Sneha pov:
Umm, I don't remember coming back.
We saw the sunrise and talked a bit and...

Taehyung: "Good morning, love." in his deep just woke-up voice.
How strong Sneha's heart has to be for this!
Sneha: "Umm, Good morning. When did you bring me back? And when did I sleep?"
Taehyung: " You slept while talking to me. Then I got you back!"
Sneha: "Oh oh okay. I am so sorry! I am such a lightweight."
Taehyung smiles at her cuteness & kisses her. Sneha is still in her red silk dress and she looks really sexy to Taehyung.
He smirks and kisses her again, this time with a motive.
Slowly the kiss turns into something else.
After their morning workout, he hugs her and they do stay in bed for like 1 hour or more. Just two lovers hugging and cuddling...and having a conversation about something.

Later, Sneha gets up. Asks Taehyung to get up while she bathes and brushes.
Time escape 30 mins later
She is all ready, wearing Taehyung's shirt and her blue rugged pants. She went to Taehyung who was in bed, kissed him and said, "Now wake up! It's already 2:30! Come down after you freshen up, I will order us some brunch."
Taehyung replies, "Hmmm" grabs her by the waist and pulls her onto the bed. He says, "Stay here for 5 mins. And whose shirt are you wearing miss?"
She smiles and replies, "My man's!"
Taehyung smiles again and says proudly, "That's my Girl."
Sneha replies, "Say it again. Gotta record it."
Taehyung: "Huh why? I will say it to you every time from today."
Sneha: "Nope. Say it again!!!" turns on her voice recorder
Taehyung: "That's my girl. I love you."
Sneha: "Awww. I love you too. It sounds really sexy in your voice. Wow."
Taehyung was like, "Huh? Well, I am quite sexy myself."
Sneha rolled her eyes and said, "Well we all know. You are. Such a brag!"
Like this, the 5 mins turned into 15 mins and more. She struggles to get out of his arms and finally gets up and says, "I am now going! You have half an hour. Come down."

Taehyung pov:
So bossy.
That's like my girl.
My clothes do suit her. I wish it was just the shirt though. Umm, never mind.
Let's get up. After brunch, I will give her the gift I prepared. I hope she likes it.
He gets ready & goes down. Sees Sneha waiting for him and making some juice for him, and he smiles.
They have their brunch.

It's 4 O'clock
They were sitting together, and suddenly Taehyung gets up and brings a small book kinda box, all covered.
He gives it to her.
She opens it & is just numb.
Her feelings are something that cannot be expressed in words.
It's an Album with her picture and named, "You make me wanna be a better man"
She looks at him, all teary-eyed and says, "For me?"
Taehyung just smiles and replies, "For you."
She gets up and hugs him so hard. What she felt was like never before.
It's just something she never expected.
Her face on the cover wasn't visible, it was one of the blurry beach shots he took of her! He made sure no one could identify her.
Being in Taehyung's position doing something like that for your partner takes a lot of courage.
The guy whose songs made her fall asleep has now written a song for her!
While she was crying and hugging him so hard. He was gently rubbing her back. He knew she would be surprised, this surprised he didn't expect.

Taehyung pov:
Somehow I feel all those nights in the studio make sense now. Her reaction says it all...
I am glad you liked it, love.

Taehyung says, "Ahh Haajimaa! Now don't cry. Listen to the song first at least."
Sneha: "I love you. I love you so much already and thank you so much. This is the best gift. "
Taehyung: "I love you too, Love."

She opened the album, well it wasn't just a song it was songs! His new album and she was on the cover of the album. Also, there was a note written on the back of it, "For you, S."
Sneha was so happy, and she thought it was just for her this special album.
She felt so special >>>

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