what are we?

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It was Big time that she realised her feelings. She had to tell him rn. But she thought, let's surprise him. She planned the surprise and scheduled it for 6 pm.
It was around 3:30ish now.

Sneha looked at him. He was just spending his time with Yeontan while she was on phone. She felt like she missed out and she wanted to join them and she did.
Today it was Sneha-Taehyung-Yeontan.
Both of them were just having talks and fun with Tan. He was their baby. They started talking about Yeontan now.
Suddenly Taehyung asked her, " Wanna have something?"
Sneha, " Like what? Mr Kim"
Tae: " Umm anything. Do you wanna eat or drink?"
Sneha: " With all these Snacks I have had. I wanna drink something good."
Tae: " Like milkshakes?"
Sneha: " Yessssssss. Yes, please. What about you? Mr Kim!"
Tae: "Strawberry Milkshake?"
Sneha: " Oh please!! Those are My fav!!! I just love them."
Tae: " Me too. We have some fresh strawberries at home rn too."
Sneha: "Yay. Let's make Strawberry Milkshake!!"

*In the kitchen*
Sneha: "How do you make it?"
Tae: " You don't know how to make Strawberry Milkshake!!?"
*Serious judging eyes*
Sneha: "Aye, don't look at me like that. Ik how to make it. I am just asking how you make it so I can make it the same for ya! Jeez." says while rolling her eyes.
Tae: "Hahaha lol. Today, Lemme make it for you Ma'am. You just stay here and look pretty."
Sneha: " Very Well, Mr Chef. Since you called me pretty, Lemme help you slice them in exchange!"
Taehyung: "Ahh no need. It is easy. You just stay still and I am just stating a fact."
Sneha: "So bossy you are." * scrunches her nose*
Taehyung smiles at her. She is annoyingly cute.
*Sneha starts recording Taehyung, as he is slicing strawberries then putting them in the jar, adding milk and subconsciously adding sugar. He looks like he made a huge mistake. Then looks at Sneha and says, "Oops. I forgot you don't like sugar."

Sneha smiles and replies, "It's okay some sugar is good once in a while I guess. Also, I am not that scary!"
Taehyung: "LOL. Jeez. Are you recording this? Why would you?" *Gets shy*
Sneha: "It's because you look cute. And it isn't every day you are gonna make me a milkshake!!"
Taehyung: "If you want I would."
*He resumes working and Sneha is blushing.*
*Their Milkshakes are ready.*
It is like Strawberry Lovers, Assemble. They both love it so much. Sneha likes it more because her man made it for her.
They were having a good time talking over their strawberry milkshakes. They were sitting on the balcony enjoying the sunset.
Even their aesthetics matched.
They randomly started clicking each other's pictures.
First, it was Sneha's turn.
Taehyung clicked such a beautiful picture of his woman. She was awed. He clicked 7 pictures all of them were post-worthy.
Then she clicked his. She gave him a disclaimer that how bad of a photographer she was. And Taehyung realised it was true. He couldn't stop laughing at her getting all conscious and shy after clicking a picture. She clicked 2 good pictures out of the 30ish she took. She was so sorry and Taehyung was just laughing at her.
She then asked him, "Let's get some pictures together?"
Taehyung was kinda shocked but the sunset and his love were both beautiful. And he didn't want to leave this chance for a couple's photo shoot.

He is cliche like that and all of it makes him more adorable.
It was weird with the hand placements at first. They were just standing next to each other.
Sneha then took his hand and placed it on her waist. He was looking at her and she was at him. *AND CLICK*
The timer captured the cutest picture of them, with the sun setting in the background.

They clicked some more pictures after that.
But that picture was the Highlight of the Day.

It's 5:45ish rn.
Their photo session is still going. Taehyung pulls her closer from the waist and kisses her. It is more like a peck but it's a kiss.
Sneha's eyes are so big and shocked and after the kiss breaks, she just stares at him.
He panics when he sees her because he was the one who told her, he would wait for her.
He gets all nervous and says, " A-Ah I am so so sorry. It's just you were so close to me for all this time. I just couldn't keep my distance. I am so sorry."
Sneha smiles and says, "Jeez You could have just waited for 10 more mins."
Taehyung: " Huh, what? What even? What 10 mins? Tell me right now!!"
Sneha: "Um um wait. You gotta wait."
Taehyung: "And I don't want to. See, I am getting all anxious here. Just tell me, Baby please." almost begging.
Sneha: " Okay. Ummm, see the thing is..."
*Bell rings*
She rushes to the door. Taehyung is kinda scared to follow her but he eventually does. He fears her leaving.
Sneha gets the box and flowers from the delivery guy.

Then She turns back.
Taehyung is now surprised. He is trying to keep his cool.
She gives him the red roses bouquet and then opens the box.
There is a Cake on which it's written,
Our Taehyung is so shocked. He never thought he would be asked out by the girl he likes lol. And Sneha never thought she would ask out a guy.
But the timing was just right.
Taehyung went and told her, "You know the answer, Love. I am just so fucking happy. I love you so much. Can I kiss you? Because trust me it's really tough to wait."
Sneha just smiles and doesn't say anything. Taehyung takes the cake from her and places both the flowers and the cake on the table beside them.
He then comes back to her.
She is so still. Almost like his touch will melt her. Taehyung looks into her eyes, and they kiss.

The kissing gets quite intense, because why not.
They keep on kissing for a while. The sun has set. They are still on it.
Finally, they take a break after around 10ish mins of kissing.
They look at each other and just smile.
Their lips are kinda swollen and it's tough to keep their hands to themselves right now.
Sneha says, "I love you, Mr Kim. It hasn't been a long time since we have met each other. It feels so right with you. And I cannot imagine myself without you now!" while she cradles his face

Taehyung replies, " I love you more babe. It starts with us. The time we have known each other is indeed short but I already love you enough for 7 lifetimes. "
Sneha just smiles at him. The smile is so big that Taehyung falls a bit more in love with her.


After their kiss, He says, " Don't smile like that to anyone else. Keep this smile only for me."
She says, "I never knew I could smile like this. It is because of you so it is only for you, love."

Taehyung tells her I love you again. He then hugs her.
It somehow feels real to them now.

Sneha says, "So you are mine."
Taehyung replies, " All yours and you are all mine."
Sneha, "I am. It begins with you and will end with you!"
Taehyung replies, "It is the same. You are my beginning and my end, love"

They smile at each other's shoulders. They can feel each other's heart beating, their skin, their hair, their smell and their feelings too.
It was their version of Heaven♡♡

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